It’s a rare thing for me to post a photo of myself on this blog! But, I decided that I should show you what I look like when I’m all kitted out to go walking in the Auckland winter rain…
Gosh, my hair’s getting long! And please, pay no mind to the bedroom – we’re still in the process of putting things together.
Saturday, I decided that I wanted to get out and take some more photos. The weather didn’t cooperate, but I said, “Oh, to heck with it! I’m going out!” So I geared up, got my camera, took my umbrella, and invited Chris along for the walk. We walked to the corner of Queen and Wellesley Streets…
This is the Civic Theater. You may have seen it before if you watched the movie King Kong. If you look to the right, you’ll see a bit more of Queen Street {one of the busiest streets in downtown Auckland}…
You should see what it looks like when its not raining. Packed with pedestrians! That’s Smith + Caughey’s department store across the street on the left, and yes, that is a Wendy’s up ahead on the right. I’m happy to say that in the nearly 3 months that we’ve been in New Zealand, we have not eaten at a single fast-food restaurant. Still, it’s nice to know that there’s a little bit of Americana if we’re ever in the mood 🙂
We walked across the Queen + Wellesley Street intersection, up to Elliott Street. I’d heard and read about Elliott Stables and I wanted to check it out. Elliott Stables used to be a warehouse, which was converted into apartments at one point and then re-converted into its current manifestation – a great big room filled with tables and chairs, and lots of shops and restaurants all around the edges. It doesn’t look like much from the outside…
But once you get inside, you’ll like what you see…
One of the first shops is the Kapiti Cheese Shop. They have a lot of cheese, as any good cheese shop should!
Chris sampled some of the gouda. I passed on that. Me and cheese don’t always agree with each other.
After the cheese shop, there’s the Suri flower stall, followed up by Frankie’s Wurstbude – a European sausage house. We looked, but didn’t eat. It smelled delicious!
After this is the Artisan Fine Wine store…
And then there’s my favorite shop in the whole place – The Whisky Shop:
{Yes – that is a chocolate shop in the back, but they were closed. Otherwise, they might have been my favorite shop in Elliott Stables!}
Look at the inside of The Whisky Shop – isn’t it perfect?
The manager-on-duty was just the right person for this kind of store. He’s an American from Montana named Sam Snead who looked and sounded just like Patrick Swayze {but still nowhere near as cute as my husband!}. He was friendly, helpful, and invited Chris and I to come back on Fridays at 3:30pm, when he and a couple of mates have a whisky and bourbon tasting each week. I don’t even drink whisky, but I wanted to go! Chris quite happily purchased a bottle of bourbon, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he went to one of the Friday tastings. We’ll definitely be visiting this shop again.
There are a lot of great sounding restaurants in the Stables. I wasn’t too hungry, so we didn’t stop for lunch, but I did want to grab some of the cake and cookies off of this tea trolley!
I think that’s enough photos for one day! Check back tomorrow for more of our rainy shopping adventures 🙂

It’s great to see some photos of Auckland. Auckland gets a bad rap down in Dunedin – silly, I know. I have been to Auckland once or twice and liked it! I really liked taking the ferry out to Davenport too. Anyway, your photos and experience make me want to make the trek up from down south and visit Auckland again – maybe sometime next year! I’ll have to post some Dunedin photos too when I get back there in a few weeks…
So fun!! I love seeing what your new adventures look like!
[…] glad that you guys enjoyed seeing the photos from yesterday’s post! Sometimes, I wonder if people are all that interested in knowing what life is like in Auckland, […]
Glad you got to see a bit more of the city, i love Elliot Stables too, has some cute cafes etc 🙂 Oh yeah guess what? My great-nana went to the first opening of the Civic Theatre and my aunty took me and my brother (Jonathan) to its re-opening back in 1997 (or thereabouts) 🙂
First of all, I love your boots!
Second, I can’t begin to tell you how much I look forward to hearing (and seeing) all about your life in New Zealand. It’s just so fascinating.
It was great seeing all of the pictures from your shopping excursion. The Whisky Shop is adorable and I would probably go crazy in the cheese shop.
I checked out Smith + Caughey’s website and it looks like they have some really nice things there. I’m sure it’s a beautiful store.
I can’t wait to see more!
i like your rain outfit! 🙂 Such a beautiful area that you’re living in
How fun, I want you to take me on an adventure!
Very cool!
You look cute in your winter rain gear! And your hair is so long!!
Love the picture of you (adore your boots!) and so enjoyed seeing Auckland through your eyes. GREAT pics BTW!! Keep ’em coming 🙂
I agree with Kate, it’s so fun to live vicariously through your pictures! Elliot Stables looks really cool and love that a little (or a lot) rain didn’t stop you!
i love to live vicariously through your adventures! thanks for sharing this little slice of your life! you better go back to that whisky shop and fill us all in on the details! and i want to see a picture of this patrick swayze look-alike! happy tuesday fair lady! xoxo