Joe and I headed out on another stroller-excursion this past week.
Destination? Victoria Park.
It was a bit of a walk for us, but it was a beautiful day and we were up for it!
Joe was pretty interested in the park decorations:
I’m sure he’ll enjoy the playset once he gets a bit older…
In the meantime, we’ll just enjoy the track and the views…
I’m really enjoying getting out with Joe in his stroller and exploring more of Auckland. I’m already thinking of new places that we can check out!

Too bad I didn’t see you there! We went there twice in the last week! It’s a nice change for us because our closest park gets really muddy in the winter and this one doesn’t. 🙂
I love the giant animals! Why didn’t we visit this park when I was there? 2 weeks was way to short a visit! 😉
Such a cute park. I’m sure Joe will love it as he gets older!
I love how green everything is!! I need to take a trip to New Zealand!!
So pretty!