You know what? I never posted any sort of review or photos of my sister’s visit to NZ. I know that trip reviews can be a bit dry, but I figure that many of you have never been to this side of the globe and therefore might be interested in seeing some of what we did. I have to preface this by saying that most of the photos were taken by my sister, since I was incredibly camera-lazy. I blame it on the 2nd trimester.
Our first big trip was to Waiheke Island. We did this on Valerie’s birthday and had a lot of fun. Chris and I both really enjoy Waiheke, although after this trip I was royally sunburned {keep in mind that this was in December – summertime in NZ}. That’s what happens when you go from Winter to Spring in the States, move to NZ and the start of Fall, and head right into Winter again. This was my first Summer since 2009!
A familiar sight – Chris sitting at his home laptop, most likely checking something related to South Carolina sports! This was in the morning before we headed out.
The Auckland Ferry Terminal, located off Quay Street. Those are the Fuller’s ferries docked in front. We took one of these for the 35 minute ride to the island.
I managed to snag a seat on the very crowded ride over, but Chris and Valerie were stuck standing in the back. This wouldn’t be so bad, except that it was rough water that day and the spray left them pretty wet. Chris didn’t seem to mind, though…
We hopped on board the wine tour bus and started on our way just a few minutes after disembarking. We’d used this particular company before and we’ve been very pleased on each occasion…
Our first stop was Kennedy Point Vineyard.
The views were fabulous…
That would be a Norfolk Pine
Perhaps I should make it clear that I didn’t participate in any of the wine-tastings. Wouldn’t that be lovely? A pregnant lady on a wine tour. I can just imagine my unborn child’s eyes growing wider apart by the moment. Chris & Val did all the drinking, and I simply enjoyed the beautiful weather and scenery.
Speaking of scenery, this is some of what we were treated to on our way to the next stop. Wouldn’t you love to see this on your morning commute?
Up next was one of my favorite wineries – Saratoga Estate Winery. We didn’t get any pictures, but you need to go to this winery if you’re on Waiheke. Their “Late Harvest Rose” is so yummy.
Our final stop was Mudbrick Vineyard. I don’t recall particularly liking their wines during our first tour, but the view is beautiful.
Chris and I were happy to sit back and soak it up. We ordered a plate of bread to share and I tasted beetroot dip for the first time. It was bright purple and oh-so-yum!
Afterward, we all headed to the beach! I love this picture of Valerie…
We dipped our toes in the ocean and shared a caramel slice and sandwiches. It was a great little visit, and anytime you come to Auckland you should be sure to head over to Waiheke 🙂

just beautiful scenery!
What beautiful views! Looks like you guys had a blast. I have yet to visit a winery anywhere, let alone in New Zealand! 😛
I love Waiheke too 🙂 my uncle & aunty live there now, just up from Oneroa – they have a fabulous view!
Now you know why I have several thousand photos of this place!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love finding other bloggers who are living overseas + pregnant- it’s definitely a totally different experience!
We were so happy to have her here 🙂 I didn’t want her to leave!
It’ll be warming up over there soon! Our lovely summer is technically over 🙁
Looks like so much fun! What a joy it must have been to be able to have your sister come visit for a bit!
Sounds like so much fun! I can’t get over the gorgeous views, such beautiful pictures! I’m sure your sister absolutely loved her visit.
What beautiful scenery! I’m currently jealous of the warmth & sunshine as we went from 80s last week to snow today in NC … crazy weather. Looks like a fun trip with your sister!
Looks like fun! I’m glad you got to spend some time with your sister!!
Did Chris see that we beat #1 Florida in baseball this weekend 2 out of 3 games in Gainesville, no less. Clearly, I am proud!
What beautiful pictures! It’s snowing here right now. Sigh.