My miles walked per week has taken a nosedive since moving back to the States. Our neighborhood here in Williamsburg is a nice, quiet one and safe for walking with a stroller… but once you’ve walked it a few times, you begin to feel like you’ve seen all there is to see. I kept resisting the idea of driving to go for a walk (why not just walk?!) but eventually gave up, gave in, and got the kids in the car.
My first walking choice was the Longhill Loop. I found these walks in the “Great City Walks” brochure over at the City of Williamsburg Parks & Rec Department.
image via Google Maps
The route was paved, no stairs, and easily walkable (I did it in sandals, though tennis shoes are a better choice). Big bonus: it ends in a playground. Imagine me telling an antsy toddler, “You can either keep whining and we’ll go home, or you can use a big boy voice and we’ll play at the playground when I’m done with the walk. Which would you prefer?”
The playground won out, no surprise 🙂
Despite the little bit of whining, I have to say that both boys did great. The walk is short (only 2.25 miles) but I still came prepared.
I love our Phil & Teds stroller – it’s easy to push, not too wide, and not too long. Jack loves the rumble seat. He’s got plenty of leg room for those extra-long legs, and the seat slides off quickly for when I want to convert it to a single.
I brought snacks for the boys (crackers, Cheerios, and bananas) + water for them and me. I’ve learned that being in a stroller = HUGE increase in appetite for Joe and Jack. And the longer the walk, the bigger the appetite!
While they were busy eating, I was busy looking. It reminded me that there’s stuff you see when walking that you easily miss in a car. I’d been down this route many times in our van, but there was stuff that I didn’t ever seem to notice till today.
The Virginia Gazette Office
There’s a section of the path that takes you through the woods for those walkers who prefer to be more “in nature” than “in city”.
I wheeled back into the playground and Joe was jumping in his seat with excitement.
Important fact: there are toilets at the park but, unless you’re there during a softball game, you’ll need to use the port-a-potty.
The boys had a great time on the playground. Joe was all over the place but I managed to snag him for a few photos to document our very fun morning 🙂
My goal is to complete all the walks listed in the “Great City Walks” brochure before September 1st. That’s 23.3 miles of trails and paths (27.2 if you decide to walk the “Landing to Landing” walk both ways), so perhaps I’d better invest in a new pair of sneakers!

Great post! When did you change your blog look, btw? I’ve a confession to make… I’ve been away from your blog since you took your break after Jack! I know, shame on me! I’ve loved catching up & appreciate the time it takes you to put these posts together. Keep up the good work! Love you and those boys!
(Also, your pics made a convincing argument to move to Virginia!)