Joe and I did a lot of walking around today: roughly 4.5 miles, or 7.25kms. That might not seem like a lot, but when you factor in the hills, the cold, the fact that it was raining during some parts, that I had him in a carrier for part of the time and in the pram for other parts, that I was alternatively holding an umbrella, my purse, or a giant grocery bag full of fruit and veggies, or at times all three, well trust me – it’s a lot!
One of my trips was to the Auckland Museum.
View of the North Shore from the steps of the Auckland Museum
I wasn’t planning to go to the museum today, but a 48 Hour City Offer came to my inbox from Big Little City, and I couldn’t resist: $5.00 off adult admission to AQUA {a special exhibit} at the museum, good for today and tomorrow. Tickets are normally $15, but they drop to $7.50 after 2:30pm. When you factor in the $5-0ff-voucher, that means that I got in for a grand total of $2.50. Yay!
Cameras weren’t allowed inside the exhibit, so I only took this one just prior to entering with Joe.
It was really interesting, and I’m glad that I was able to go. I was a bit nervous about how Joe would do, but he was a gem. He was fascinated by the sounds and glowing lights. Visitors were given a plastic, glowing model of a raindrop to carry throughout the exhibit. The raindrop was used to interact with the displays. Joe loved seeing me use it to make waves on the 360-degree screen, and he loved seeing the blue, glowing light and listening to the sounds of waves and water.
We didn’t take any time to tour the rest of the museum. I wanted to, but Joe was getting a bit tired… and so was I! We’ll just save the other exhibits for another day 🙂
And just because he’s so cute, I have to share a photo of my precious 2 month old boy! When did he get to be so big?!

He is just absolutely adorable!
Aw love his smile and his chubby cheeks 🙂 can’t believe how much he’s grown since I saw him last!
He is so cute!! I love that little smile!!
Congrats on the cheap-o tickets! And a 4-mile walk w/baby is nothing to sniff at – – – Bravo! Ditto on the ‘love Joe’s sweater’ comment (too cute!) and I can’t believe how he’s growing!
Joe is so cute!!!
Joe gets cuter every day!
He is darling! (And it’s so funny to see him all bundled up. I know your temperatures are opposite of ours here, but I forget, and he’s all cute in his hat and sweater while Ella’s rocking a tank-top onesie this morning! LOL!)
Oh my goodness! Joe’s face is priceless! I forget that babies start smiling already so young 🙂 I know 2 months to you probably feels so old, but to me, who has a 2 year old, I can’t wait to hold my sweet newborn baby girl in just a few more weeks and see her smile! *heart melting*
It looks like ya’ll had a fun adventure to Aqua together! Love his sweet little sweater too.. so cute!