There are twelve days until we move to New Zealand.
Twelve days, people. As in, less than 2 weeks.
We’re still basking in the St. Thomas sunshine, but in preparation for this move, I’ve stocked up on some essential travel items:
1. Clothing – comfort is key, combined with the ability to layer. I have a tendency to fluctuate between being warm or really cold while in airports and on airplanes. With so many airlines now charging for “nap sacks” and no longer providing blankets, having a sweater is important. I used to wear hooded sweatshirts but found that when I wore them I was pulled over for extra security screening. No thanks! I’ve started wearing my traditional black yoga pants with this comfy Ann Taylor merino v-neck cardigan + scoop neck tee. Comfy, casual, but still classy looking.
Images courtesy of Ann Taylor
2. Reading Material – I went back and forth about getting a Kindle. Ultimately, I decided to… wait. I was almost sold on buying one, and then the iPad came out. I’m what you might call ultra-conservative when it comes to spending money on new technology, and I didn’t want to plunk down several hundred dollars on something that would be obsolete in a short time period. In the meantime, I’ve stocked up on some new books in paperback that can easily fit into my traveling bag, along with a lightweight reading light.
3. Toiletries – We will be traveling for a good 22 hours, probably longer. I hate sleeping with makeup on, so I’m bringing these Clean + Clear makeup dissolving facial cleansing wipes. They were rated “easiest to use” in a Good Housekeeping poll. That’s good enough for me!
I’m also bringing along my favorite facial lotion…
Olay Pro-X Lotion
And last but not least…
Burt’s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm
All of the above are easy, compact, and more importantly pass airport security without a hassle.
What are some of your travel essentials?

Things I HAVE to have on long flights …
wheat thins
midol, bonine, and immodium (you DO NOT want to get stuck on a long flight with a stomach problem. Nor do you want to be hungover. Not that I know from experience. Stupid Zurich-Dallas is a LONG flight when you feel like death!)
extra pair of socks … I’ve put them on my hands as gloves before!
tampons … you never know … even when you think you know, you never know and 35,000 feet is not the place to be unprepared. Nor is the first 10 minutes of a 2.5 hour long test. Not that that happened today or anything.
Good luck! 🙂
12 days?!? Wow! That’s amazing! I love your travel ideas. Burts Bees is great – when traveling, especially flying, you can get dehydrated and my lips always tend to take the beating. I also love the clean and clear makeup remover sheets. A definite must!
Enjoy the rest of your vacation!!
And thank you for your sweet comments on my blog 🙂
Good luck on your move! That has got to be nerve wracking! I hope it goes well and you are very happy 🙂
I think you pretty much have it all sorted for travel essentials, but am with the others who have suggested also having an inflatable neck pillow thingy…. that is what I REALLY wish I’d had on my longhaul to and from LA especially when I was stuck in a horrible middle seat. I also wish I’d worn more comfy clothes like sweatpants.. ah well, next time I will! Other than that maybe take a journal if you want to keep a record (I wrote in mine a little half way thru my flight over when I couldn’t sleep) and possibly ear plugs or something. I also took some herbal No Jet Lag pills that basically either work for you or they don’t (I didn’t want to take sleeping pills as I’ve never had them before) – and I found that they worked for me and helped me not be too tired upon arrival.
Looking forward to seeing you in Kiwiland soon!
P.S. Know what you mean about the security hassles caused by wearing bulky hoodies when travelling…. when I was flying from Philly to Jacksonville, FL I was wearing my nice new big Philly Eagles sweater that my friends gave me. I was about to walk through the scanner thing in security and they were like: ‘Ma’m do you have anything on under that?’ me: ‘um yes…’ ‘can you please take it off since it is a bit bulky for the scanner…’ So that was a bit annoying having to put it on the dirty conveyor belt thingy. Ah well, such is life.
How exciting!! It has flown by! Gum is a must! What about an iPod or something to listen to music on?
Gum! Empty water bottle, fill up after security. 🙂
We’ll be moving May 20, so just a few days behind you. Thanks for the traveling ideas!
I always pack a pashmina scarf too… they’re cute and easy to tie around your neck, but they’re big enough to serve as a light blanket if I get really chilled on the plane!
I’m so excited for you! I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation!
I can’t believe how quickly your move has rolled around! Amazing! I don’t travel unless I have a book, my iPod, and one of those goofy little blindfolding masks so I can sleep on the plane. Oh, and when I travel, I prefer that there’s a Starbucks nearby. 🙂
Oh my gosh I can’t believe it’s so soon! I don’t travel without an oversized scarf/pashmina – it’s great to throw over my shoulders as a light blanket. I also love my ipod for long trips.
The last time I traveled the air in the plane was SO DRY, I felt like all the water in my body was gone by the time we landed. From now on I’ll make sure to buy a big bottle of water before boarding to make sure I don’t feel that way again!
And I totally agree that yoga pants are the bomb when traveling – layers too!
EEEEeeeek! This is sooooooo exciting. Cheers and safe travels. Xoxo-BLC
I use to have to travel a lot for work. And you do have the essentials down with the chapstick and the books, toiletries and comfy clothes. I also recommend the wrap around pillows for your neck. They work wonders. Maybe some magazines to switch it up from the books. Gum. Just a few ideas