Happy Tuesday, my lovely readers! I found out from my friend Erika over at e-vents that there’s going to be a cool Valentine’s Day card swap!

April Foster from April Foster Events is hosting it, and I was quick to sign up. If you’re cool like me and want to sign up, here’s what you need to do…
- Email April at aprilfoster(at)gmail(dot)com by January 25th
- Type “Valentine Card Swap” in the subject line
- Include your full name, address, and your website (if you have one)
Once the deadline has passed, April will send you an email with up to 5 names + addresses to which you can send your cards (be sure to have them in the mail no later than February 9th). The valentines should be handmade/homemade, and let me tell you that I am already having fun scouring Etsy for some cute cards 🙂 So hurry on over to April’s blog and sign up!

Thanks for posting this! I appreciate the love!
Small word- April was my wedding coordinator! Some of our photos are on her new website.
Sounds like fun.