I twisted my own arm and took another pregnancy photo to share with all of you:
28.5 Weeks Pregnant
I took this prior to my morning run, er, jog/fast walk. Lookin’ stylish in my maternity tank and runner’s tights, oh yeah.
I’ve gotten most of what we need for baby boy… it’s just not here yet. I ordered a few things on eBay and these are being shipped to my inlaw’s for Chris to cart back after his trip to the States. We have several things that we’ve purchased in NZ and I’m excited at how things are coming together in the nursery. I’m waiting till we hear back about our lease before I start doing any decorating, though.
I’ve been a bit more huffy and puffy and notice that I heat up and sweat more than I’ve ever done in my life, but that’s all part of the process. No stretch marks, carpal tunnel, or varicosities that I can tell. Cravings amount to wanting to drink caffeine, which is bizarre because I haven’t had caffeine in over 4 years. I’m not hungry all the time – I eat breakfast and usually forget about lunch till 2pm rolls around and I wonder why I’m feeling faint. I need to do better about that.
I can’t believe that I have less than 6 weeks remaining at work. I mentioned previously that my ER manager will take me off the schedule once I reach 34 weeks. If want to come in past then, I just need to phone the roster manager and be scheduled as a “bonus” RN.
I finally made a decision on cloth diapers {we’re going with FuzziBunz and BumGenius 4.0 – both one-size that will last from birth to potty training} and got some deals on eBay. Now I’m trying to figure out car seats. Which brand? Which model? I’d like to get one that’s usable from birth till baby boy is several years old. The most highly rated one seems to be the Britax Marathon 70:
Does anyone out there have suggestions? Was there a car-seat that you absolutely hated? Absolutely loved? I’d appreciate any input you might have.

I love the car seat it is so manly looking, lol. Please remember the new safety guidelines for car seats: http://www.nhtsa.gov/Safety/CPS then click on child safety there is a lot of great information on there.
Thank you for taking another picture! You look so adorable! 🙂
Also, I commend you for choosing cloth diapers. I like to think that if we ever decide to have children that I will choose this as well!
You look awesome Jenny!!
We have the Chicco KeyFit 30 carseat and love it. It has worked awesome for us and is super easy to get her in and out of, as well as in and out of the car.
Also, in case you need stroller suggestions, we absolutely love our Britax B-Ready, which we also got the bassinet attachment for.
You are so cute!!! And you are right. My body temperature was crazy out of whack when I was pregnant with Ellie.
We ended up getting the Britax 🙂 Thanks for the recommendation!
I’m glad to hear it 🙂 I’ve heard good things about both brands and I’m excited to try them.
We love our Fuzzibunz. We’ve been using them for 7 months now and they’ve held up extremely well, and are easy to resize as the boys grow.
I have 2 girls that are 1 and 4. We started out with a Graco infant seat that clicked in and out of the car w/ an adjustable base. Loved that bc you didn’t have to take them out of the seat or disturb them if they were sleeping. When my 1st outgrew that we bought and Eddie Bauer convertible. We didn’t love it so much. It didn’t lean her back enough, so her head flopped, you couldn’t remove the cover for washing, etc. Now we have a Britax Frontier 85. I love it and she loves it! Her head doesn’t flop around if she falls asleep and it leans her back enough even when front-facing. Britax is a GREAT carseat!
My friend uses cloth diapers and LOVES them! They used disposable diapers for their first daughter and decided to try cloth diapers for their second. She’s pregnant with their third and going to use cloth diapers with him/her!
cute preggo pic! 🙂