I stole this from the lovely Miss Ally over at Life’s a Beach! I enjoyed reading her answers so much that I wanted to answer them, too 🙂 Thanks, Ally!
Question 1: Where were you 5 years ago?
- About 2 months past having withdrawn from my PhD program
- Working full-time as a personal assistant/secretary to the VP of Nursing at a hospital in Lafayette, IN
- Married to Chris for 4 months. I was 22 when I got married, and he was 23.
- Taking classes to get into my accelerated BSN program
- Completely without a clue that 5 years later, I’d be an ER nurse who was moving to New Zealand!
Question 2: What is (was) on your to-do list for today? **This is actually yesterday’s to-do list, because today’s to-do list has one item on it: go to work!**
- Do laundry – check!
- Go grocery shopping – check!
- Spend quality time with Chris – check!
- Post items on Freecycle – partial-check!
- Call my mom – check!
Question 3: What 5 snacks do you enjoy?
- Baked! Tostitos Scoops! tortilla chips + black bean salsa
- WW ice cream candy bars (these have a short life-span in my vicinity, and are therefore rarely purchased)
- Sam’s Choice Peach Water (I don’t think that really counts as a snack, but I love it!)
- Toast + Peanut Butter + Honey (this can only be eaten late at night with a glass of cold milk)
- My new yummy salad concoction: broccoli slaw + lots of red bell peppers + lots of yellow bell peppers + black beans + squash + red onion + a few unsalted peanuts + vinegar. A few forkfuls of this goes a long way.
Question 4: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (There wasn’t a question #4 on Ally’s blog, so I’m making it up!)
- Still married to Chris – I’m 5 1/2 years into a life sentence. Just kidding, honey!
- Hopefully with 1 or 2 little ones added to the mix…
- Still working as a nurse…
- Living in New Zealand…
- And definitely a good 20 pounds lighter!
Question 5: What 5 things would you do if you were a billionaire?
- Tithe, but split it amongst various churches that we have attended and missions that we have supported.
- Set up a college fund for our future children.
- Create a scholarship fund at my alma mater, Purdue, for women who were in my situation: already have a college degree that is pretty much worthless without a graduate degree tacked on to it, wanting to get their BSN, with a preference for those who are married and/or have children. Can you tell that I’ve put some thought into this?
- Create a scholarship fund for med students who would agree to devoting a set number of years working in a needs-based primary care clinic after earning their MD.
- And since I believe that finances are shared in a marriage, I would ask Chris what he wanted to do. Actually, perhaps I should have listed this first! I’m guessing that he would want to invest some of it for retirement and perhaps create a scholarship fund for grad students going into his area of study. That, or buy a lifetime supply of season tickets to South Carolina Gamecocks football 🙂
This was fun! I guess that question #5 shows how much I value education, huh? And it’ll be interesting to look back on this post 5 years from now and re-read my answers to question #4 (if I’m still blogging then)!

Love this post! Learned so much about you!
That was super fun! Thanks for sharing… and I second the question about a BS in psych… because that’s what I have and it is totally worthless… I enjoyed getting it, and learned a lot, but there is little application without a grad degree….
Yay! So glad you did this 🙂 I liked reading your answers!
Can I just say that I wholeheartedly agree with you on Q5 #3?!?! I take it you are a fellow BS in psychology? LOL…. Although I thought about becoming a nurse very seriously, I somehow ended up in healthcare management instead….
This was so fun to read! I love posts like this and I love your answers to the last question.