Hey everyone. It’s been 5 months in New Zealand – time for another post-move analysis!
Job: Chris loves his, and I’m settling into mine. I’ve gotten to know my co-workers a bit more and have formed some new friendships 🙂 Nurses in New Zealand travel a lot more than those in the States. Many of my co-workers have worked in Australia, the UK, in Africa, India, the Middle East, and in Eastern Europe. They definitely have a unique and varied experience!
House: Our apartment is feeling more lived in, but I’d like to get some a few extra pieces of furniture – end tables, a china hutch – and get a duvet and bed skirt for our room.
Friends: We’ve met several people through church, our jobs, and through my blog. I’ve also signed up for an online American Meet-Up group and was able to go out for coffee with a fellow Midwesterner. That was nice 🙂
City: I’m still very much a rural girl. Living in the middle of a country’s largest city is a unique experience and I’m grateful for the opportunity, but it’s not my heart’s home. I’m exploring it more bit by bit, but to be honest, I’m tired a lot of the time. I’ve sort of fallen into a rut where I do the same stuff and take the same routes – walk to work, walk to the store, walk to the P.O., walk to church, etc. I need to branch out some. I’d like to visit La Cigale Market – a French market in the Parnell suburb of Auckland. I’m hoping that we can do that next weekend.
On Living in Outside the USA: Alright, here’s the truth: as of 5 months out, I’m not a fan of living outside of America. I feel a bit guilty saying that because there are so many people in New Zealand who have been wonderful to us! I don’t dislike New Zealand, it’s more that I don’t have the feeling of, “Wow, I love it here!” There are still a lot of things that I miss about the States. This is definitely within my “normal” post-move progression: really like a place at first, not so sure about it for the next few months, and then end up not wanting to leave. I’ve learned to give myself at least 6 months to settle into a new place, and before we moved here I knew that, given the fact that it’s a different country, it would likely take closer to 12 months before I felt that this was “home”. I’m writing these posts so that I can look back and compare what I’m feeling now with what I’ll feel in the future. It’ll be interesting to look back on this in 12 months to see how we’re doing! And I have some fun plans to look forward to this month…
More romantic dinners out with my husband {or at least more dinners out!}
Possibly go snorkeling at Goat Island {yay!}
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Hiking up Mt. Rangitoto
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Visit a few beaches around Auckland and get a little sun!
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Thanks 🙂 Czech Republic seems like it would be a lot different from the US, but it sounds like you’re making the most of your time there!
Hi Jenny!
I really enjoyed this post. I’m the one that is in Czech Republic for my hubs hockey season. Yes, we are here until about April. But back next year cuz he signed a 2 year contract. Anywho, it sounds like you have great venues to meet people. That’s wonderful!!
Thanks for your honesty! It’s hard to admit that you don’t love it here, or that there’s even some things about it here that you really dislike… hard to admit that because as immigrants, there is a certain pressure to only compliment our host country, to only say positive things about it, and to generally express gratitude to be here. Especially, when as you say, so many NZ’ers have been good to you and you don’t want to offend anyone. But the truth is, it’s a mixed bag. There’s pros and cons, ups and downs. And it definitely takes a long time to make relationships and other connections that make it feel more homey. I’m just starting to feel a small bit of home-iness myself. This is my 3rd year in NZ (not consecutively though!!) and I am only beginning to think, “Right. This is ok!” So hang in there and I will too! I think it’s worth it because there’s still so much to learn and experience. And perhaps check out some smaller towns outside of Auckland when you can!! Thanks again for sharing…
When I came to New Zealand to LIVE, my first five months were difficult. And I had a social network of sorts through my husband’s friends.
I did have some added stress in getting permission to work. Also, I didn’t like where we were living (with my husband’s brother and cousin–think bachelor pad).
Well, it got better. But I still find it difficult to fit in, and I think I always will be an outsider in NZ. Part of this is due to my personality–I am kind of an introvert and a recluse. But I also question whether I have been able to make lasting friendships, and I worry that I have not.
It is probably more difficult to assimulate to a new culture if you keep a foot in the old place (ie, you always think of one day returning).
You know what’s funny? When I spent 2+ months in Europe (mainly in Germany) it felt more like home than New York feels after almost 5 months. Maybe NZ will never feel like home or maybe you just haven’t found the right part of NZ for you.
It will start to feel more and more like home. Just enjoy it for what it is. Take it all in. It’s an amazing experience!
Look at those pictures! How beautiful.
I’m so glad that you’re having fun, making friends, and that it is feeling a bit more like home. You’re so brave to have moved to NZ and while I’m sure it isn’t the same as the US and it might not be love, that you’ll make the best of it and have truly fantastic experience!