I’ve decided to steal Fidgeting Gidget’s 5 Question Friday idea and do it today instead of my usual Saturday Summary. I felt the need to shake things up a bit 🙂
1. When they make the movie of your life, who will play you? Hmmm, well I’ve been told before that my face and hair resemble Gwyneth Paltrow, but she’s just a tad thinner than I am. Other supporting characters would of course be Chris, who has been told that he resembles Joaquin Phoenix. However, with all of Joaquin’s crazy antics of late I’m not sure that I’d want him to be a part of the team!
2. What’s your ideal vacation location? My favorite spots thus far have been St. Thomas, Hawaii, and Glen Lake, MI. All of these involve warm weather, beautiful beaches, and crystal clear water 🙂 I also really enjoyed Key West, but I think this was more because of the fact that it was just me and Chris and not so much related to the location.
St. Thomas snorkeling site
Road to Hana on Maui – we drove this with 2 carol-singing nieces in the backseat, and it was a long drive
Beautiful Glen Lake, MI – I haven’t been here in several years, but it was beautiful. Hopefully, we’ll go back someday
3. Which Muppet is your favorite? There are so many to choose from! Chris doesn’t understand my love for the Muppets, but he graciously puts up with it and even condescends to watch some of the movies with me from time to time. Of all the Muppets, I’d have to say I like Fozzie and Kermit the best. I’m a fan of Miss Piggy, but she’s too much of a diva for my taste.
4. If you were a car, which make and model would you be? Um, I have absolutely no idea. Earlier this week I worked an evening shift, and one of the MDs was trying to tell me all about the latest porsche. My eyes sort of glazed over half-way through. I’m not a car fanatic.
5. Would you want Harry’s invisibility cloak or Hermione’s time turner? I think that people should learn and move on from their mistakes and look forward to the future, so the time turner is definitely out. I don’t think I like the sneakiness involved with the invisibility cloak, either. In truth, I would prefer to have Harry’s Firebolt!!!
Hope you all have a great weekend – see you Monday!

Joaquin retired from acting. He's a serious actor now. Serious.
Those places are gorgeous! Yay for questions.
I have been told by a few different people that I look like Mena Suvari…I personally don't see it…AT ALL!! 🙂
On the facebook quiz on who should play you in a movie…I was told Rachel McAdams…which made me happy because I love her!!
I would love love love to go to Hawaii, but my ideal vacation location would be Greece or Italy!!
Isn't the 5 questions game fun? It was on the Road to Hana that I learned it is possible for me to feel nauseous from riding in a car….yikes! Great answers!
I am looooving the Harry Potter ref. Hehe! Xoxo-BLC
Sad me….I never saw the Harry Potter movies so I would have to pass question #5! BUT….I've been told that if they make a movie of my life that Meg Ryan should play me…and I was GIDDY over that compliment!!
Oh…hello – new follower! 🙂
Oh I adore Glen Lake! I miss Michigan , it's so beautiful.
That's a fun meme!
Stopping by from SITS roll call to say hello and to tell you about an awesome giveaway here, at Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom:
Great vacationing spots! I haven't been to Thomas but I've been to Maui and I absolutely loved it. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Big Man is from St. Thomas and I hope to visit sometime soon! 🙂
I love Glenn Lake Mi!!!! I love the costal areas of Michigan in general, but especially Glen Lake.
Animal is my favorite muppet
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