I started working on a post for things that I wanted this Christmas. I was hoping to not-so-subtly sneak it into an email/conversation/wall mural to bring to Chris’ attention and then act “surprised” when I got what I wanted. I’ve started being obvious ever since our first Christmas together, when I ended up with the “Shrek” soundtrack and a pair of jeans one size too small. It wasn’t pretty.
So I was working on this list, finding my pictures and getting my links embedded, when I got to the last item. As I was writing about it, I began to feel crummy and Ebenezer Scrooge-ish. True, Scrooge wasn’t the type to create a Christmas wish list, but he was self-centered. My list was all about “me, me, me” and “I, I, I“. Except for that last item…

Chris and I have supported World Vision for as long as we’ve been married, and my family participated in fund-raising events for them over the years. They’re an amazing group of people that help the underprivileged both domestically and internationally. They meet needs in healthcare, clean water, childcare, the environment, clothing and housing, education, orphans and widows, emergency aid, sports and music donations, hunger needs, and more.
One of the ways that they’re able to support and meet the needs of so many people is through monthly donations, but also through gift donations. When I first mentioned the idea of a gift donation to Chris, he laughed. This may be because it sounded like I was asking for a goat for Christmas, but he figured it out pretty quickly. This year, I’m asking that one of my gifts be a medical donation through World Vision.
The World Vision medical donations are available in various forms and for different dollar amounts. You can give or ask for a gift donation of money towards medicine, care for children with disabilities, netting for sleeping quarters, immunizations, maternity care, cholera kits, malaria and malnutrition, and stock supplies for a clinic, to name just a few. And this is only in the area of healthcare. There are so many more needs, but since I’m a nurse, healthcare is close to my heart and this is what I’d like my gift to go towards.
It’s easy for people to become mired in materialism around the holidays. Personally, I believe that Christmas is meant to be a celebration of Christ’s birth. Regardless of what you believe, I ask that as you’re making up your wish list you take a minute, check out their site, and consider asking for a gift donation this Christmas. You have no idea how much it’ll mean to someone.

Great idea 🙂 I love what World Vision are all about (and Compassion International/Tear Fund as well). I would love to work for someone like that sometime. I remember when I was at friend’s Christmas party a couple years ago and we were doing this Secret Santa game thing – I ended up with a gift donation receipt thingy which someone had bought from Tear Fund which went towards planting a garden for someone in India. I thought it was so cool & meaningful 🙂
It’s so true. Presents are nice, but I find that a lot of us don’t “need” something. Isn’t it nice to give something to those who really need it?
I love gift donations at Christmas time… it is a great way to remember it’s not all about us. I got started when an aunt supported a child for a year in my name… and every year since for the preppy boyfriends parents I do a gift donation to a different charity… This year I think we’re going to buy a pig through heifer international (cute connection because the university of Arkansas mascot is a hog!)… Such a great thing to do and ask for! Thanks for sharing you’re heart on this!
I, too, have to be ridiculously blunt with my husband. Last year for Valentine’s Day, I got a hardback copy of Sports Illustrated from the issue that covered UF winning the national championship. At least he was thinking…I do love UF. But, um romantic? Not particularly.
What a sweet idea! There are several charities that I would love to donate more to…