Have you heard of “A Little Ink”? They’re another great New Zealand based design shop that I found through the wonders of the interwebs. I love their handmade prints and adorable poems that go along with them. Prints like “Spike the Hedgehog”, “Charlie the Cheeky Cat”, “Ghandi the Goldfish” {one of Chris’ personal favorites}, “Bianca Bunny”, “James the Cat”, and so many, many more. Here are three that I particularly like…
Woolly Ted was Daddy’s
When he was very small,
So Woolly Ted is family,
Not like a toy at all!
He’s not that woolly really,
He’s mostly sort of bare.
He has a leg that’s wobbly
That Daddy can’t repair.
But Ted will always play with me
And cuddle me at night.
As long as he’s along with me
Everything’s alright.
Spike the Hedgehog {such a Kiwi animal!}
Pssst? Can you hear?
That snuffle and grunt?
Have a look, you won’t find him
Wherever you hunt!
That prickly sneak
Who loves to steal
The biscuits left
From pussycat’s meal.
The nimble needler
You can’t help but like
Our tranquil guest
Our hedgehog, Spike.
Ghandi Golfish
Is very wise;
Blows thought bubbles,
Has curious eyes.
He loves to riddle
Like, which is true?
Are you looking at him
Or is he looking at you?
You can buy the prints as they are or have them block-mounted. Considering that these are custom-designed, limited edition prints {only 27 are made of each}, I find them reasonably priced at NZ$32 apiece. I’m also seriously considering taking advantage of their “Create a Little Ink” option, where you can personalize the print using your baby’s name or a family pet or even a beloved childhood toy. They’ll design an image {you can submit a photo} and create a poem to go along with it based on personality traits that you suggest. So cute 🙂
And yes, they’re available for purchase outside of New Zealand. You have to check out their website and see all of the great prints {and cards}!
All images and poems are the property of “A Little Ink”

Wow! More than A Little Thank You for the beautiful write up! I was only just referred to it and now my day is A Little Made!
Love your very engaging, personal blog too! It’s A Little Special!
Thanks so much again and hope to see you on our Facebook ALittleInkNZ page for weekly poems and Little Inkings!
There are hedgehogs in the States, but definitely not as common as in NZ 🙂
hehe that’s so cute! Love that you’re discovering all these NZ businesses/websites that I’ve never heard of but are super creative.. good ol’ Kiwi ingenuity! 🙂
P.S. I thought hedgehogs were in the US??