Hey friends – this Saturday is the 2011 Annual Auckland Sling Walk!
Helen MacMillan of My Natural Baby has coordinated the ASW since 2009. As in the past, the walk is set to coincide with International Babywearing Week.
What is babywearing? Good question…
Babywearing has been around for a long time. At its most basic form, “babywearing” is simply a means of transporting your child around and keeping them near. It has recently become more popular and, dare I say, even trendy thanks to Dr. Sears and his theories on attachment parenting.
Benefits of babywearing are numerous:
- Reduced risks of SIDS or SUDI {sudden unexplained death in infancy}
- Lowered incidence of PPD/PND
- Greater socialization – babies see and hear their parent speaking much more often and in greater proximity
These are just a few… for more great side-effects of baby wearing check out this website.
Don’t have a sling? No worries! I won’t be using a sling – I’ll be using the mei-tai. You can wear any kind of baby carrier you prefer.
Don’t have a baby? That’s alright, too. Many people will simply be joining and walking in support. It’s a great excuse to get some exercise, enjoy the {hopefully beautiful} weather, and take in the gorgeous ocean views along Tamaki. Our plan is for Chris to drop off me and Joe on Tamaki, and then he’ll drive on ahead to Mission Bay {the walk’s end-point}. He’ll get to enjoy a cup of coffee and catch up on his reading in a Mission Bay coffee shop while I get to enjoy the walk with Joe and all of the other participants!
Head to the Facebook pages for the Auckland Sling Walk group and the Auckland Sling Walk event for registration and start times. You can also get more info on the Auckland Sling Walk webpage.
***Not going to be in Auckland? Why not organize your own sling walk? Something to think about!***
{all images are from the Auckland Sling Walk Facebook Page}