Late again, I know, but only a few more days till I’m considered full-term.
I don’t have a 36 week photo. Joe is under the weather and I’m getting over a cold. Here’s a picture taken during 35 weeks.
Standing at the top of the Wellington Cable Car track in the Botanic Gardens
Here’s how things have been going since the 34 week update…
Pregnancy Weight Gain and Fitness
Someone at the gym told me that I looked “graceful” while working out. Ha! And I’m sure I wasn’t sweating, I was “glowing”, right? Still, it was nice to hear. I think that’s the first time that anyone has ever said that I looked graceful while working out. My weight gain is right in the middle of the normal range, so I’m happy with that.
I’m still doing a lot of walking and I continue to work out twice weekly, though it’s beginning to get a bit more tiring. I keep reminding myself that working out and staying active is one of the really great things that I can do to ensure a faster, less painful labor and delivery, quicker recovery time, and a healthy baby. I think that walking is like therapy for me. If I’m indoors for too long, I get crabby and irritable. Walking with Joe helps me think and lifts my spirits.
Appetite, Aversions, and Cravings
Pretty much status quo.
I’m sleeping better through the night, but I hope I don’t have too many more nights of being pregnant. I’m ready to have baby #2 sleeping next to us.
Pregnancy Brain and Weird Dreams
I don’t have anything for this section this time around. Unless there’s something that I’ve forgotten, which would be an example of pregnancy brain right there.
Other Odds and Ends
I was hit with the nesting instinct about 8:30pm last night. It was all brought on by some Braxton-Hicks contractions that kept coming one after another. I thought, “I’m not ready!”. I did some prep work this weekend: washed baby clothes, washed some cloth nappies, cooked/chopped/measured/froze some chicken, made a meal for the freezer, made snacks for Chris when I’m in labor (also stored in the freezer), and did our 2 week meal plan and grocery shopping. I’ve got 2 more meals to make for the freezer (our freezer isn’t big enough to store much more than that). If baby #2 does come sometime during these next 2 weeks, all Chris has to do is take one of those meals out and once they’re gone, he can just pull up the meal plan with the recipe links. I’ve already bought all of the ingredients. Or, if worse comes to worst, he can just get takeaway!
More things to do: pack a hospital bag, pack a bag for Joe for when he goes to stay with friends, and write up a little note about Joe’s routine. He’s pretty easy-going but there are a few tricks that help him get to sleep. I also need to make a point of charging the cameras at night so that we don’t get a low battery signal when we want to use one. Hmm… oh, and double-check with my friend about borrowing their infant car seat. We have Joe’s car seat, which converts to an infant size, but we need to send that with him when he stays with friends. Other than that, I’ve got my once-weekly midwife appointments and I need to try to keep the apartment somewhat clean!

HI Jenny, I’ve enjoyed following through the pregnancy with you. You’ve done such a good job taking pictures. Glad you’re sharing the camera with Chris some! Good luck in the next few weeks and hope all goes well. We’re looking forward to seeing you and having a chance to meet Joe and the little guy soon.
Home stretch!