It was good to take a break. I’ve never taken such a long blogging hiatus (8 weeks) but I’m glad that I did. I started this blog as a way to share, chronicle, and remember what is going on in our lives. And, to be blunt, there are some times that I’d really rather not recall in exact detail. These last 8 weeks have been one of those periods. A combination of postpartum depression + reverse culture shock has made my life a big, emotional mess. I’m getting through it thanks to a supportive husband, friends, family, and a readily available nurse practitioner at the local medical clinic. There’s still a long ways to go, but I’m ready to start blogging again and sharing what’s been happening with us here in Williamsburg, VA.
So, if you’re still following and still checking for updates, thank you! Get ready for lots of cute photos of the boys, tales of weird wallpaper from the 1970s, and lots of other life updates and thoughts on what it’s like to return to the USA from yours truly 🙂

So pleased to see that you are back blogging – I hope this means that you are doing ok and things are settling down for you. Sometimes when life is tough, it’s good to step back and take a break.
Looking forward to reading the blog posts that I’ve missed.
Yay! You are back! Glad to see you back writing, and looking forward to reading your thoughts.
So looking forward to reading about your life in the USA!
Glad you’re back, Jenny 🙂 I’ve always meant to write and say hello, but haven’t yet. We have so many similarities, and I’ve enjoyed following your blog – I grew up in Indiana, moved to Richmond to study, then took a year abroad to NZ and have been living here ever since. Very keen to hear your observations on America since you’ve come back.
Cheers, Abby
Hi Jenny! Welcome back! It’s good to have you 🙂 I’m looking forward to hearing about your adventures… I hope that you are starting to settle back into life in the US! I’ve always wondered what it would be like if I was to ever move back to California after being away for 10 years! 🙂
I’m excited you’re back! Sad to hear about the last 8 weeks, but I am interested in hearing about how you are doing back in the states.
YAY! So happy to see you back again… have been thinking of you and wondering how things were going. Glad you are getting the support you need. Looking forward to reading more about life in Williamsburg 🙂 Jenny x
Glad you’re back!