Well, we are back in cold, damp, gray, snowy Massachusetts. Man, do I wish I was still in St. Thomas!
I plan to give some of the details of our vacation in another post. Let me just say this: it was fantastic, and I had such a great time. While we were there the vacation seemed to go on and on, but as soon as we got back home it seemed like it was too short. I’m sure many of you can relate!
I did finish all of my pictures, so if you look to the right side of the site, you can see the slideshow. Be sure to click on the photos if you want to read the captions and learn a bit more about what we did this past week – it was so much fun!
Oh, and there are no pictures of me in the slideshow. I hate having my picture taken, so I generally tend to avoid it 🙂

Lol, you sound like me about the picture thing!
Wow, Jenny, your pictures are amazing. It’s a BEAUTIFUL place, and what an amazing time of year to get all of that sun and blue water! But also you take good pictures (the things I want to see, anyway) and I just love your comments! You made me really really really want to go there!
Look at that water…. All the pretty colors… & I'm looking out my window at a grey, gloomy, snowy day… so not fair! 🙂