Thanks to everyone who read and commented on my book review. I enjoy doing them and hope to keep reviewing one book a month and giving it away for the rest of the year!
My latest book review and giveaway was for “Beguiled: A Novel” by Deeanne Gist and J. Mark Bertrand. This is my brief summary of what the book is about…
Beguiled takes place in South Carolina. I like it already. The story centers around two main characters – Rylee Monroe, a Charleston dogwalker to the wealthy, and Logan Woods, a reporter. Rylee loves her job but everything is threatened when a rash of burglaries begins. To make things worse, it appears that someone is targeting her. Logan is keeping a close eye on the robberies and hopes to use them for a book on true crime, but he keeps coming back to Rylee. You know the old saying – curiosity killed the cat, and in this case, it’s threatening the dogwalker, too. Logan has to decide what’s most important – the story, the girl, or bringing a villain to justice.
And the winner is Amy B! Congratulations, Amy 🙂 I’m so glad that you won! Send me an email at mrs(dot)practicallyperfect(at)gmail(dot)com with your mailing address, and I’ll send your copy on it’s merry way!

Hooray! I’m so happy! I never win anything…
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to read it! 😉