

It’s official: I told my boss today that I would come back from mat-leave on a casual (as needed) basis rather than on a regularly scheduled week.

It wasn’t an easy decision.  I batted around several possibilities with both Chris and my manager, but in the end, this option (doing casual) is the best one for our family.  Chris will be traveling a lot and since he watches Joe when I’m at work, there would be a lot of times when I would be unavailable.

So, casual it is.  I was surprised at how sad I felt once the decision was made.  However, once Joe woke up from his nap and I was cuddling him and kissing his sweet, fuzzy head, I knew that it was the right choice.  We can afford it, and I love taking care of Joe.  I’m sure that at some point down the road I’ll return to more regular paid work, but that will have to wait till a later date 🙂

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4 thoughts on “Casual

  1. Jenny I think this is the perfect balance between staying w Joe and getting to work some. Congrats on this decision and I’m sure you’ll miss some aspects of working more but you’ll also feel rewarded and later feel glad w this decision! 🙂 happy for you girl!!

  2. Congrats on the decision! I’m sure you will ultimately be happy with your choice! 🙂 You get to spend more time with your little peanut! 🙂

  3. Don’t ever question your decision to spend time with your family over work. I have a great boss who told us once in a staff meeting “Don’t let your job interfere with your personal life.” Not many places here have the flexibility available at my job and if its available for you…do it! 🙂

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