I’ve seen the recipe for chocolate avocado mousse floating around for the last few months. I even considered making it when I was doing my “30 Days, No Processed Sugar” challenge, but the thought of mixing avo + chocolate put me off.
Then, I met a friend who made it and I thought, “If she can make it… and eat it… then it’s worth giving it a try.”
So I did.
Dense. Chocolatey. Thick. Fudgey. Rich.
It’s chocolate to the extreme, and you can’t taste even a hint of avo in there. This is a dessert for dark chocolate lovers, oh baby.
The best part? It’s got 3 ingredients, which means that it’s incredibly simple to make.
- 1 avocado
- 3 1/2 T of unsweetened cocoa
- 3 1/2 T of honey
Combine avocado, cocoa, and honey (in that order – the honey will come right off the spoon if you use it to measure the cocoa first) and blend till smooth. You can use either a food processor, a blender, or probably even an electric mixer. I used our small hand blender and it did the trick, no problem.
Warning: if you’re using a bowl, make sure that it’s small enough to cover partially with your hand, because the cocoa powder will POOF out with the initial mix. Trust me. I know. So does my kitchen floor. And kitchen wall. And teapot.
This is a v-e-r-y thick mousse. From the start, I thought, “This is almost like a fudge frosting”. Putting it in the fridge for a bit only made it more fudge-frosting-like. Chris chowed it down, but I couldn’t eat more than a few bites, it was so rich. And after those few bites, I felt like glugging down a giant glass of milk.
So, yes – it’s delicious, though a bit too thick to be a true mousse, in my humble opinion. I think that the next time that I make it (and I will make it again) I’ll use it as an icing for brownies. It needs a sturdy dessert. My advice is to put it on the brownies shortly after mixing, because once it’s set up in the fridge, it’s quite difficult to spread.
Amazing. Chocolate + avocado. Who’d have thought it possible?

Just tried this & was totally surprised at how delish it is!!!!!!!!!!! I did use half honey & half maple syrup though.
wow! that seems way too simple to be that delicious. i’ll have to try it.
Gave it a go – surprisingly yum. Might try a bit of castor sugar in place of the honey next time as , oddly enough, it was the honey flavor that I thought overwhelmed the chocolate rather than the avocado. Either way – yum,.
Hmm never thought of mixing chocolate + avocado but worth a try! Considering I indulged in a pms-worthy helping of dark chocolate squares last night haha!
That looks yummy! And a no-sugar challenge sounds like just what I need– I think all I ate today was candy.
Must try
This reminded me of black bean brownies… who would have thought to use black beans in brownies?! But I was amazed that they taste very fudgy & chocolatey! I’ll have to try this recipe now, too!