Sometimes, babies cry. If you use public transport, you have to expect that people will bring their children on-board. I take Joe on the bus with me, and I’m sure that at some point, he’ll burst into tears mid-route. I can only hope that when it does happen, the bus driver won’t treat me the same way as this poor mom in Portland, Oregon was treated:
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I thought it was interesting that all of the other passengers on the bus left in protest. I think it shows that most people understand that crying babies are a part of life, and kicking a mom and her child off the bus because of it is unacceptable.

I’m impressed the other passengers left. That surprised me!!
I know – I feel bad for her 🙁 I’m sure that this {crying on the bus} will happen to me and Joe at some point!
I have had more than one bus ride where my kid was crying. One in particular stands out in memory. Callum was beside himself and I couldn’t figure out why, I couldn’t walk because it was too far and I had both him and Lily and only a single stroller. Not to mention it was raining and cold. Good grief. Glad I didn’t get kicked off the bus! I feel bad for that poor mom.
Yep – I do have Twitter – there’s a link to it on my home page. Crazy how some people get upset about kids!
I’m not sure if you have twitter, but Angie Smith had mentioned on it just a few days ago that they were on a plan and a lady that was with her had a baby. The guy in front of them was throwing a fit that they had a baby on the plane. The stupid thing was that he has kids!
We flew with my daughter when she was 4 months old. She’d had a tummy bug, and was so cranky. She cried for most of a flight. Lol, I’m really glad they didn’t kick us off that one.:)