…my Bounce dryer bar. This thing is the best! No more hunting for used dryer sheets, and it lasts for 4 months. Awesome.
…”Planet Earth” DVD set. I saw this when it first came out, and I finally bought a used copy off of Amazon.com. It has to be one of the best nature documentaries out there.

…my SoftWalk Murrietta clogs. I wear these shoes for at least 40 hours a week and have had them for a year already. They are the best work and everyday shoes that I have ever had (even though I could do with a new pair). I used to have very painful plantar fasciitis, and after wearing these shoes for a week, it finally went away. If you are on your feet a lot or if you just want a cute pair of shoes, you need to check these out. I will probably buy 2 more pairs before we move to New Zealand, just to be sure that I have them.
…my North Face Denali hooded jacket in black. I used to think that North Face gear was overrated, and then Chris bought this for me for Christmas. It has become one of my favorite jackets and it stands the test of both South Bend and Chicago winter weather. I love the fact that it has a hood!

…Firefly Sweet Tea vodka. I know that this isn’t a new thing to many bloggers out there, but it was practically impossible to find in the Boston-area of Massachusetts, and only recently made an appearance at our local South Bend grocery. I like to have it in a 1/3 vodka to 2/3 lemonade mixture poured over ice, sipped slowly. I’m not a big drinker, but the taste of the tea and lemonade makes for one very good libation 😉 I’m excited to try the Firefly Raspberry vodka. We bought a bottle while in Chicago, and I hope that it’s just as good as the Sweet Tea!
…my schedule. Currently, I’m planning to visit my parents, visit friends in Boston, and do a quick day-trip to West Lafayette with Chris, all sometime next month. I love the fact that I have such flexibility (and it looks so stylish in my MyAgenda). I am really, really hoping that I’ll have another 3-day stretch of days off during my April schedule. I want to make a trip to visit my lovely sister Cindy and brother-in-law Dan, who live with two of the cutest kids in the whole world (my niece and nephew!) in Wisconsin. Cross your fingers that I get some days off and am able to visit them!
…my new Toshiba Satellite A505 laptop. I bought this last month, and it works like a dream. One of my favorite things about it is the battery (weird, I know!). It can last up to 12 hours between charges, and that makes me very happy. My last computer had a pathetic battery. I’m glad that I’ll be able to use this computer on the long flight to New Zealand without worrying about the battery dying. Of course, the downside is that the better battery translates into a heavier computer. This is fine for me, because I’m not a student and don’t carry a computer around every day. I’m quite pleased with this purchase, and owe a huge thank-you to my wonderful husband who logged a lot of hours doing research and gathering information. Thanks, Sweetie!
I love to hear about what other people are currently using and loving. Please leave me a comment and tell me what things are on your “must have/must use” list!

I can totally understand your love for NorthFace and Planet Earth. I’m obsessed with both as well. I’d say FireFly too…but I drank a bit too much of it one night;)
I want the Denalie hoodie!!
Omg, Bounce makes such a thing!? Must – go – buy!!! Xoxo-BLC
I love the firefly vodka! It might be my absolute favorite drink in the whole wide world. And that is saying a lot …
I wish my denali had a hood. That would be fabulous!
I love posts like this:) I’ve been wondering about that bounce dryer bar! Does it come unscented too? We don’t buy any laundry products scented, because of our kids. I might have to check that out! Of course, I’ll have to wait for our 500 sheet box of Bounce from Sam’s club runs out!
Those clogs do look comfy. I have Sanita clogs, which I love. I used to have Dansko’s but I was always twisting my heel on them:(