I love days like this – when the house smells of laundry and fresh air. Days when sunlight is shining through our open windows and a breeze blows through the house.
I recently bought two plants – an African violet and a bromeliad:
Both of them are are really starting to perk up. I think that they enjoy the scent of fresh laundry, too.
Well, that and the fact that they’re now being watered on a regular basis 🙂
I’m so glad that it’s Spring in New Zealand!

Thanks 🙂 Its actually a big candle holder!
Beautiful plants! I love the stand the first one is on. So pretty!!
What beautiful plants. Makes me want to get some for the house as well:)
I don’t know why it’s so crazy to me that y’all are headed into spring while we head into fall. I’m so glad your cold winter is over for your sake!
I’m loving Spring too! I can’t wait to finally get to Cornwall Park again to see all the new lambies and flowers 🙂
I know – it throws me for a loop sometimes, too! Especially when I read so many great posts about Fall and pumpkin spice lattes, and we’re basking in sunshine and the onset of beach weather, ha ha!
I agree!
Aw, poor violet!
I had an African Violet until my cat destroyed it lol.
Sounds like a lovely day!!
Yay! Love spring, I also love fall! My mum always says, happy plants = a happy home 🙂
xo tash
Those plants are so pretty!
i just can’t wrap my head around the seasonal difference you are experiencing….its like one of us is in wonderland! ah spring, how i love it! but i think i’ll just enjoy fall for now! your plant babies are lovely! hope they thrive! xoxo