My handsome hubby, Chris, modeling the Baby Bjorn “Air” Carrier that I got on eBay {for $11.00 – oh, yeah!}. To say that he was reluctant to put this thing on (let alone pose for pictures) is an understatement!
A little blurry, but I can’t help it – he makes me laugh and I can’t hold the camera steady!
Chris has been the picture of long-suffering when it comes to putting up with all of my baby babbling {going on and on about cloth diapers, car-seat safety ratings, this stroller vs. that stroller, and so on and so forth}. He has good-naturedly put together picture frames, helped me move furniture, and yes, occasionally models baby gear. Smart guy, and incredibly good-looking, though I say it myself. I must admit – there’s nothing quite so attractive as a man who’s confident enough to wear a baby carrier 🙂

Ha ha. Adorable!!
Aww! haha! At least he was a good sport! I swear I really just want to someday have a baby for all this cool stuff! 🙂
I had to laugh because I’m pretty sure I have a very similar picture of my hubs wearing the same thing!
Ha ha, I know!
I hope when he walks around with the baby, he keeps that eyebrow up the whole time 🙂 haha!
He will come to appreciate it when the baby is here, much easier on the arms 🙂 I love seeing dads carry their babies in the carriers, but my husband says he’s not so sure about it!