I went to the grocery the other day and bought a large box of cornflakes. Then, I remembered that Chris doesn’t particularly care for plain cornflakes.
So, I now have a big box of cornflakes at home and a husband who doesn’t care to eat them as is. I can’t eat them because I’m doing my 30-days-without-processed-sugar challenge, and these babies have sugar in ’em.
What to do, what to do.
Let’s make cookies!
I found a recipe for no-bake cornflake peanut butter cookies and gave it a try.
Chris assures me that they’re quite tasty. They were easy to make, too. From start to finish (including clean up) it took 15 minutes. And if you have kids that like to help out in the kitchen, this would be a great recipe for them to try.
Cornflake Peanut Butter Cookies
- 1 1/3 C crushed cornflakes
- 1 C peanut butter
- 1 C dried, shredded coconut
- 4 T liquid honey
Combine all of the above in a bowl, mix together (you may need to use your fingers), and shape into mounds. If you want to be extra fancy, sprinkle a wee bit of coconut on top. Makes 18 cookies. Store in a covered container in the fridge, and try not to eat them all before noon!
Note: I used regular cornflakes, but next time around I’ll get some that have no sugar or are sweetened with fruit juice, such as these here. I also used unsweetened coconut and natural peanut butter {only ingredients: peanuts & salt}. Also, make sure that the cornflakes are finely crushed, not just crunched. Don’t be afraid to get out a rolling pin and take out your frustrations on them!

Um, yum!!!!