You may remember me writing about purchasing a set of 5 Envirosax bags. I’d never used them before, but given that we don’t have a car and are often walking to do our own shopping, I thought it worthwhile to purchase some reusable grocery bags. Not to mention the fact that it’s better for the environment, and some NZ stores charge you if you need to use a plastic bag.
They arrived last week and I promptly put one in my purse, one in my work bag, and one in Chris’ book-bag. I had my first opportunity to use one today while out running errands. Just to give you an idea of the size, here’s a photo of one of the bags outside of my purse…
And here’s a photo of it inside my purse…
I was impressed with how little space it took up. I’m able to keep the bag in there, my wallet, keys, cellphone, iPod, pen, gum, and chapstick with room remaining. It’s definitely not too big or bulky to carry with me on a regular basis.
Once the bag’s opened, here’s what it looks like…
It’s plenty big and had more than enough space to hold all of my purchases from running errands today. The website states that it can hold up to 2 grocery bags’ worth of items in one bag. I think that’s probably true, depending on the size and weight of items you buy. All things considered, this was a good purchase – 5 Envirosax bags for NZ$27.00. These will be great to have on hand and would be perfect for traveling or trips to the beach 🙂
If you’d like to purchase a bag or a set of bags, you can click here for the NZ website or here for the US website. If you’re living in NZ and would like to join the free shopping group through which I purchased these Envirosax at a discounted price, just shoot me an email at mrs{dot}practicallyperfect{at}gmail{dot}com.
Happy shopping!

ok i am the furthest from green as anyone (even though i try sometimes) but i think that’s actually a really good idea to charge people to give plastic bags. I bet it would sure make people (like me!) remember to bring their reuse bags to the store!
They really are fabulous. I always have one handy in my giant ‘Mummy bag’ (bleur!) for library visits, impromptu shopping (normally happens at The Warehouse!) etc.
By the way, I love your handbag too (so wish I could carry around a nice looking, normal size bag instead of my practical giant ‘Mummy with baby’ bag!). x
I love the pattern – so much prettier than the typical re-usable totes. And I love how tiny it folds up in your purse. This is a great idea!
Too cute! It doesn’t even look like a grocery bag… more of a tote bag. And I love the pattern! I hope it serves you long and well! 😉