My February post for is up! Click on over to read my suggestions for avoiding isolation and making friends when moving to a new country.
If you’d like to read my other articles, then click on my columnist page. I was shocked to see that my last article had over 800 reads – whoa!

The shipping actually wasn’t too bad, considering. And it was worth it to have it here 🙂
When we moved to NZ we had all of our things brought over on a boat, but it was part of Chris’ employment deal. Otherwise, I think we would have only brought what would fit in suitcases and dealt with it! Sorry to hear that you were back in the ER again 🙁 Hopefully there were able to figure out whatever it was that was going on!
Im glad you brought it but I can imagine what the shipping cost!! When I sent stuff Back to the states, I had 2 huge boxes- we got a “deal” and shipped then via BOAT! I got the boxes 3 months later and I forgot what was even in them. LOL. guess I didnt REALLY need all of it. I was in the ER with Andrew again last night so it made me think of you since you are an ER nurse. I have nurse friends, but not ER nurses 🙂