8 thoughts on “Facial Expressions

  1. Jenny
    Seriously adorable! I would love a new lens for my Nikon for good detailed close ups. I told this to my hubs and also mentioned I wanted to take a photography class.

    Joe is just a doll and I love his facial expressions!


  2. My favorite is him peeking over the cushion/couch. So which camera??? Did you ever read Pirates in the Park by Thom Roberts (you can do a search on Amazon, it’s a kids’ book)? The main character is named Jenny. My kids found my copy (Weekly Reader) and love for me to read it to them. 🙂

  3. Love! How cute is he and great pics. My fav is the couch pic, so curious looking! What a fun way to spend the day, snapping his funny faces, he’s a cutie.

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