October has rolled around in Williamsburg, but with temperatures in the 80s, it certainly hasn’t felt like it. I’m ready for cool weather, indoor fires, changing leaves, and warm cups of tea. Of course, I already drink warm cups of tea regardless of the weather, so I guess that last one doesn’t really count.
I took the boys to College Run Farms this past weekend. We’ve gone there nearly every Autum since moving to Virginia, and I always look forward to it. The fact that we have to take the ferry to get there makes it feel like a real destination. Because Chris’ schedule over the last few weekends has been so busy, we did try to sneak in a trip to a different pumpkin patch. Jack was OK with it, but Joe wasn’t impressed. Right away he asked “Where’s the ice cream?” and “Why aren’t we taking the ferry?”. In the end, he decided he’d rather take his chances and not get a pumpkin from the substitute patch in the hopes that we were still able to sneak in a trip to College Run. Jack, however, was perfectly fine with picking out a pumpkin.

As it turned out, we were able to make it to College Run. Chris had another conference this past weekend, this time in North Carolina, which meant that the boys and I had plenty of free time to fill. We headed over on Sunday afternoon, just barely making it onto the ferry before they closed the gate. The ferry ride definitely adds to the appeal – driving onto a boat, being able to watch the gulls and getting sprayed with the river water – and the boys were excited before the farm was even in view. However, once the farm was in view, it was time for pumpkin ice cream!

Alas, I didn’t get any photos of the boys picking out some pumpkins. That’s what happens when you have 2 wild children and you’re attempting to hold clippers, the map, and carry a pumpkin or two back to the car. We managed to get one Aladdin variety and another called “One Too Many”. I later learned that the “One Too Many” moniker is due to the pumpkin having reddish stripes, which resemble a bloodshot eye after having had one too many to drink. Yikes! I probably won’t tell Joe that this is the story behind his pumpkin’s name 🤣
After the pumpkins were paid for, we headed back across the river and toward home.

The pumpkins have now joined various other squash and gourds that are making up our Fall yard display, and it won’t be long before they’re decorated and ready for Halloween. This year, Chris has requested that we not carve pumpkins. In his words, “There are some father-son traditions that I can do without.” Turns out he doesn’t particularly care for having his hands covered in pumpkin goop or dealing with the massive amount of fruit flies that are attracted to our Jack O’Lanterns. After a few minutes’ searching, I found some pumpkin decorating kits at Target that don’t require a knife. Jack selected the Werewolf kit and Joe chose the Black Cat. I’m looking forward to decorating their pumpkins and trying out something new (and less messy)!