I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating – if our apartment were to burn down, I wouldn’t be too distraught. Oh, I’d be upset about having to replace certain “memories” – photos, mementos, etc – and I’d be annoyed at the cost involved with replacing our clothes, books, and electronics. But if all of our furniture were to go up in smoke, it would be fine by me.
There are some pieces that I really like – the cedar chest that belonged to Chris’ grandmother, the demilune table, the stand mirror that my parents bought me – but that’s about it. We’re holding off on buying furniture till we’re in New Zealand and things are a bit more settled down. I don’t want to buy something only to have to lug it halfway across the globe, having it bumped and banged all along the way.
In the meantime, it’s nice to look. Chris may grumble and groan about it, but I know he’ll let me buy at least some of the things that I want 🙂 Here are a few items that I’ve been looking at…
Portofino Writing Desk and Chair
I’ve always preferred desks that are more table than desk. And even though we don’t have any little ones yet, I’d like to think that when we do, we’ll have a trundle bed similar to this one in their room.
Crow’s Nest Daybed with Trundle
My first bed was a trundle bed, and I’ve always loved them.
I love big sofas. Something with lots of seating space for lots of people. I wouldn’t get it in white, of course, but I love the style and think that it would fit in well with an informal family room. I can easily imagine taking a nap here, can’t you?
Last but not least, I’ve been looking at some hand-painted furniture. My mom hand-painted all of my bedroom furniture during high school, and I loved it. I’m hoping that someday, I’ll be able to tackle a similar project on my own. We don’t have the space (or time!) for it right now, so in the meantime I like to look at pieces like these for ideas…
Thanks for looking at furniture with me 🙂 Only 78 days left till we move! And don’t forget to enter my book giveaway that ends today!

An added bonus would be all that insurance money could pay for some nice new furniture, hope your not getting evil thoughts!
Aw its fun to plan! and look around ahead of time 🙂 i love those types of couches too. And trundle beds are really handy 🙂
We had a room growing up that we called the secret garden room and all of the furniture was painted and there was quite a bit of trompe l’oeil on the walls. It really was amazing. I wish I had some pictures to show you … and it had trundle beds and was fabulous for sleepovers! You would have loved it! 🙂
I love that handpainted furniture, it’s so beautiful! My parents have a steamer trunk that my great-grandfather took with him when he left Italy and came to America. One day I would love to have that in my house.
Love the writing desk, I have a gorgeous antique writing desk that used to be in the driskill hotel in Austin, it is more table then desk, and it even has secret letter cubbies…. It’s one of my favorite pieces. And you’re totally smart for not buying furniture before the move, my favorite piece of furniture a mirrored cherry armoire that was the PBF’s grandads was broken almost in half by our “professional” movers in the last move… when they pulled out the base of the armoire broken off the truck I seriously lost it, standing in my yard screaming are you effing kidding me? It was not my most lady like moment, but gosh darn it we paid them a good amount to have our stuff moved safely from New York to Austin….
That writing desk is perfect!! Thanks for the inspirational home photos. Makes me want to buy some new furniture:)