I’ve been delaying this for months…
Joe got his first haircut. Wah! I would go back and forth saying, “He needs a haircut… no he doesn’t… yes he does… no wait, he doesn’t!” The truth was that I just didn’t want to have him lose those baby curls and go from “baby” to “little boy”.
There I am, nervously hovering in the background while my sister takes photos of the process.
“What is this guy doing?”
The whole process took less than 7 minutes, start to finish. Joe was such a grown-up little guy throughout the whole thing – no tears or fussing. It was one of those things where we just happened to be passing a barber shop, I saw the “no appointments needed” sign, got a bit of a prodding from my sister after my 3rd time of going past the window and saying, “Well, I don’t know…”, and finally just bit the bullet. I’m glad that I did.
I did think that it was pretty special that his Auntie V could be there for his first haircut. It’s also kind of unique to say that he had it done in the UK. Such a global traveler! I made sure to grab a few curls for his baby book. I plan on putting them in there alongside the receipt from the barber 🙂

This is just too sweet. 🙂 Melts my heart.
Ahhh – he’s so darn cute…
Those first hair cuts… makes ’em look so GROWN UP! 🙂
aw look at little joe he is such a big boy im glad for facebook and this blog so i can see how much he is changing through all of the pictures 🙂