Hello my lovely readers, and happy Friday! For those of you who don’t have to work this weekend, I hope that the time rushes by and that you have fun plans for tonight 🙂
I’ve found this really cute blog, Kelsey’s Korner, and I wanted to let you know about her giveaway (although I probably shouldn’t because I know that a bunch of you are going to enter, thereby reducing my chances of winning)! She is hosting a free blog makeover, and to enter, all you have to do is leave a comment. Sound interesting? If so, head to her post here and sign up!
You’d better hurry, though – the contest ends this Sunday!

Have fun this weekend! By the way, I gave you an award, so check my blog for details if you’d like!
just found your blog. love it!!!
new follower and your dog is adorable!!
What a cute blog you have…I found you through my friend Erin, inkOBSESSION and am so glad I did. Sounds like you have to work this weekend…hope it flies by for you! Have a great day!
Awe, sounds like you have to work. If so have a great weekend!