Good morning everyone 🙂 Thanks for your kind comments about my book review – I really appreciated it. I may do this again in the future, depending on what books I come across.
I wish that I had lots and lots of copies of “Never the Bride” so that I could send one to each person who commented, but unfortunately, I only have one. And that one copy goes to…
Miller! Congratulations! Email me at mrs(dot)practicallyperfect(at)hotmail(dot)com with your address, and I’ll send it on it’s way.
In other news, my first day of work was yesterday. It was just a general hospital orientation – their values, acceptable behaviors, customer service, and whatnot. Interesting, but I have to say that I hadn’t gotten up that early in a good 6 1/2 weeks. I’m still adjusting!

Thanks girl! Have you tried the ProX line by Olay yet?