I’m frequently asked if I’m a Canadian. I think it’s most likely due to the fact that the majority of North American immigrants in New Zealand are from Canada as opposed to the States. And besides, most Kiwis can’t tell our accents apart… kind of like how most Americans can’t tell the difference between a Kiwi and Aussie accent 😉
Anyway – my little sister sent me this video, and I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw it. Welcome to Canada! Cheeeeeeeese!

Funny story about that video: I used the same one last year for a website re-do because we needed an embedded video placeholder. Seeing it just brought back memories!
Haha yeah its just like how us Kiwis get sick of being asked straight out if we are from Australia by other people.. but i guess its because the Aussie accent is more widely recognised overseas than the Kiwi one.
I’ve also run into far more American immigrants in NZ over the last 5 years than Canadians, but that might just be me 🙂
That is so funny 🙂 I’d say that 9 times out of 10 when people ask where I’m from, they guess Canada. Someone once told me that they say Canada because they don’t want to offend anyone by calling them an American, ha ha! Oh well!
And yet, people always ask me first if I’m American… even when I have a huge maple leaf on my shirt. LOL!!