I have to go to Chicago to take an English test. Don’t even get me started on it. In New Zealand, foreign RNs are required to pass an English test as of this past January. I know, I know – if you require it for one person, you have to require it for everyone, but can’t they make an exception?! Please? I’m not going to hold my breath on that one…
Anyway – the test is several hours long and costs nearly $200, not to mention the cost of gas (it’s an hour and a half drive from where we are). And can I just say that I love Marriot points? We had to use some of ours for a hotel room, because of course it wouldn’t make sense for them to schedule my exams on the same day now, would it? Punks. I’m just glad that Chris’ post-doc hasn’t officially started yet and he’s free to cavort around Chicago with me while functioning as my chaffeur, ha ha!
I have to take the verbal portion of my exam tomorrow and take the remainder on Saturday. Visiting Chicago will be kind of fun, though. I’ve been to Chicago many times, but other than trips to O’Hare, the last time that I really visited was over 5 years ago. Chris has never been to Shedd Aquarium or to the Museum of Science and Industry (one of my favorites!), so we’re going to check those out after my exams are done. Fun!
Bear has been staying with my parents since Sunday. We knew that we were going to be in Chicago this weekend, and rather than board him at some strange place while we were gone, they offered to take him. I think my mom really likes Bear. I tried to convince her that she and my dad needed another dog and that she should take him when we move to New Zealand, but she said that one dog is enough. This is true. I’ve always found that one dog is usually content to stay at home, but when there’s two of them they tend to go a-wandering. We’ll drive down on Monday to pick him up. It’s so nice to have family close by!
I hope that you all have a great Thursday, and I’ll see you again next week!

How annoying!
Will you not be able to take Bear with you to New Zealand?
Hey Jenny and Chris! I just realized you are here in Chicago – we would love to have you guys over to visit and see our new little guy! Matt tried calling Chris but it looks like his phone number has changed. I know this is late notice but if you get this tell Chris to give Matt a call!
Just an interesting little 'tid-bit' for ya… Wellington, our capital, also has the nickname 'Windy City' too. It is a horrible place to fly into sometimes!!
If you've got time before you leave, check out what roads will be closed around Grant Park. Lollapalooza is this weekend and that area of the city will be CRAZY! Good luck with your test and have fun in the city!
Good luck on your exam! Enjoy Chicago it's one of my favorite cities!
Good luck on your exam! I am sure you will do fine!
Unfortunately we aren't going to be able to take Bear with us to New Zealand. The cost is prohibitive (around $2,000 minimum), but that's not the only thing. It would require him flying and being in a cargo hold for close to 30 hours, and then he would have to be in quarantine in for 30 days with minimal human contact. I've heard horror stories about what can happen to dogs in quarantine.
We're hoping to find a good home for him before we go overseas, because bringing him with us would be traumatic for him, and I don't think that he would be the same dog once it was all over. Oh, and there is also the fact that he's only 4 1/2 years old. We likely aren't going to be there for the rest of our lives, so there's a good chance that if we brought him, he'd have to go through the same process to come back to the States.
Sounds like the lame exam is at least an excuse to visit a fun city for the weekend! Have fun 🙂
Good luck on your exam!
Gahhhh how annoying! Hopefully you guys manage to have a little bit of fun while you are there!
What happens to Bear when you move to New Zealand? Are you taking him with you?