Today started with one of those kinds of mornings. The kind that begin with early-early bed linen changes, giving a toddler an unexpected bath, and taking care of a fussy 1 year old who has a snotty nose. I started off on the wrong foot for sure, and we were all kind of grumpy.
While cleaning up and hanging laundry outside, I was struck full-force about how often I take blessings for granted or, worse, think of them as nothing more than a burden. It’s true that sometimes work really is just work, but more often than not I forget to be thankful in all of my circumstances, be they fun or mundane. I decided to take a few moments to re-set the morning by thinking of how many of my “chores” are in fact blessings in disguise.
For instance: laundry. Laundry is something that can easily be overlooked as a blessing, especially for me. Nonetheless, there are many reasons to be thankful for it! I’m thankful that (1) it’s warm enough for me to hang clothes outside, (2) I have a place to hang things up, (3) when I put clothes up on our back porch, I look out and see trees rather than traffic – the sight calms my soul and makes me reflect on the beauty of God’s creation, and (4) that we have clothes to begin with!
Looking at that view naturally made my mind jump to our house. It’s easy for me to get mired down in my to-do list of painting walls, changing outlets, updating cabinets, and on and on. That kind of thinking turns our house from a blessing to a burden. I remember when we were house-hunting. Such a hurried week of viewings! I hoped but didn’t think we’d end up in this neighborhood. We have friendly neighbors who immediately welcomed us. The area is quiet and safe. Our house is just the right size – not too big, not too small. Chris can bicycle to work. All of that, and still within our budget despite the fact that every other house in the neighborhood was a good $100,000 – $200,000 above what we could have paid. I know full well that the price wasn’t a fluke – God had a hand in it.
Maybe you’re having one of “those” kinds of days, too. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed in the midst of all the work you need to do. It’s easy to feel discouraged but, if you can, take a moment to re-set and try to view your chores as blessings in disguise. Take comfort in the fact that God has a good and perfect will for your life, even though it may not always feel like it 🙂
1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”