Hello, my lovely readers! Today was my “d” day, and as I said this morning on Twitter, the only “labor” that I did was stuff around the house – laundry, vacuuming, dishes, organizing, and cooking. I’m turning into a regular June Cleaver, except pregnant and no high heels.
I told Chris that I’m starting to resemble the Kung Fu Panda guy, only without the Kung Fu moves…
Kung Fu Panda
What I See When I Look Down
See what I mean? Panda belly!
Hmm… this may explain my recent craving for Chinese food…
I’d be a big fat panda-belly liar if I told you that I wasn’t disappointed about not going into labor today. I’ve had a few moments where I thought it was happening, only to realize that it was a labor fake-out. I hate those. But whenever I’m tempted to get really frustrated and complain about how much I want baby boy to be here, I’m reminded of something. I’m reminded of how blessed I am to be able to carry a baby to term. I’m reminded of the many couples out there who are unable to conceive, who have experienced the heartache of a miscarriage {or multiple miscarriages}, or who have given birth preterm and are even now having to spend long hours in the NICU, watching their baby spend the first several days/weeks/months of their life in an isolette. I have so much to be thankful for. Remembering that helps stem the feelings of impotence and impatience.
So, still pregnant 🙂 I’m trying to focus on enjoying the “it’s still just you and me” stage with Chris. I’ve taken advantage of this extra bit of time to take some walks, get things done around the house. One thing’s for sure – sooner or later, baby boy will make an appearance. I just need to wait!

Too funny. I’m glad you have both a sense of humor and gratefulness as you pass by your due date!!! Perhaps google some labor-inducing yoga poses – I know there are some!
And here I thought it was because he didn’t want to be born on Queen’s Birthday!
LOL! I cracked up at your belly pic.
It’s so exciting how close you are! You know I’m going to stalk your blog now, right? Yep, I’m going to be one of THOSE people, lol.
He’ll be here soon! He just wanted you to have a relaxing holiday weekend 🙂
Girl, walk to a Mexican restaurant and eat really spicy food and drink red wine. Then go home and have “fun” 😉 ahem. I think that covers some of the old wives tales of how to induce labor!!
Thinking of you! Can’t wait to meet your little one!
I’m thinking of you. Cheering you on! Wishing that baby out! And, honestly, you are being so gracious about it all, I can’t imagine it will be much longer. You deserve that!
Thank you!
Sending you labor vibes!!