First off, no, I’m not pregnant 🙂 I am, however, employed! I was jogging on the treadmill this morning when my cell started to ring. Normally I’d just let it go to voicemail and check it after my workout, but I knew that one of the hospitals was making a decision about a job today, so I decided to answer. It was HR Rep from An Area Hospital, calling to tell me that they hadn’t made a decision but that if it was alright with me, she wanted to go ahead and call my references. Well of course it was alright! I figured that the fact that they wanted to call my references must mean something good. After all, who calls references on someone they’re not interested in hiring?
Later that afternoon, HR Rep calls me back and officially offers me the position – working full-time in An Area Hospital’s ER! Yay! She reiterated the details about the job, and asked me if I was still interested. I told her that I was and that I was flattered, but that I wanted to talk with my husband about it before accepting anything. I’m planning to call her tomorrow morning to accept, and I’m pretty excited about it. If you had asked me what job I would’ve wanted to come out of this move, I would have said, “Working full-time in an ER”. Perfect 🙂
I’m not without a healthy dose of anxiety. To be honest, it sounds like the department is going through their fair share of ups and downs, though they’re mostly trending upwards these days. There’s also the fact that my last job didn’t deal with the level of acuity that this ER deals with. The closest hospital that can handle what they handle is in Chicago. Translation – the worst of the worst cases from all over the area are sent via ambulance or mediflight to my new unit. That’s intimidating. I think what worries me the most are the pediatric traumas. To put it in the words of my soon-to-be new Nurse Director, “We see more death and destruction in a typical 12 hour shift than most people see in their entire lifetime.” You’d have to be made of stone to not feel a little nervous after statements like that.
I’m so excited, though. I know that I’m going to learn a lot and I know that it’s going to be challenging, and I am really, really glad. The only slight negative is that it’s a night shift. However, it’s only three 12 hour nights a week (6pm – 6:30am), meaning I’ll have 4 days off. I can deal with that. I’m not under the misapprehension that those three nights will be easy. Nights are the busiest time for an ER, so I’ll definitely earn my pay, but I would rather work three 12 hour night shifts than five 8 hour day shifts, and that’s the truth.
I don’t start till September 14th, so I can relax and enjoy my time off without being stressed about finding a job. I plan on using these 2 weeks to read, read, read all that I can about trauma nursing and brush up on some of my knowledge. By the time I start, it’ll have been 7 weeks since I worked. I know that I’ll be just a tad rusty, and I want to be as prepared as possible.
Thank you, my lovely readers, for your kind thoughts and encouraging words during my job search – I’ve really appreciated it!
Now, I’m going to try to get some sleep. Have a great weekend!

Wahoooo!!! Congratulations. Xoxo-BLC
Big congrats! great stuff 🙂
That is great news! I also agree that 3 12 hour shifts beat 5 8 hour ones. You're going to be great. Good job!
Aaaaah, congratulations! That is so amazing. And you are a saint for doing what you do – a saint!
Congrats!!! That is so exciting and I am thrilled for you!!
Excellent news!! Congratulations to you 🙂
YaY! That is so great! Congrats! : )
congratulations!! I'm so excited for you!! 🙂
awesome girly! 🙂
happy for you!
have a great weekend!!
Congratulations!!! What happy news! Good for you!
Congrats hon!! That sounds like an awesome job!! Crazy, when I was growing up I had a while there where I wanted to be an ER doc. I can't wait to hear how it goes!
That's so great! Congrats on the new job, so happy for you!
Congrats Jenn! 9 months should be long enough to see what you think of ER. Welcome to your next adventure.
Congrats on the new job! It sounds like you'll really be able to make a difference 🙂
Congrats on the job!
SO exciting! I love the time I get to spend in the ER … it is always so exciting (in an I'm gonna be a doctor and I learn loads of stuff kind of way). Congratulations!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! And, I think that sounds like a great schedule. I would love to work 3 12-hour days!
I hope that you love it!
Oh, big fat congratulations!!! That is huge! 🙂
Congratulations! That's GREAT news! = )
YAY! CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so fantastic. Perfect…
Enjoy your little break!
congratulations!!!!! this is exciting news! 🙂
Enjoy these next two weeks!
Ha ha..I'm having a hard time sleeping too! (It's currently 12:02 a.m. here in Texas.)
Congratulations on the new job!!
In this economy, it is so exciting to get a job you want. Although, I think I am a little jealous of your three 12 hr shifts and then four days off! Congrats on the new gig!!
Congrats! very exciting
I can't sleep either! Congratulations on your new job! Can't wait to read all about your adventures! I admire your ability to work in an ER.