Happy Valentine’s Day everyone 🙂 This year, since we are on a budget (both of us being students and all) our gifts were a bit more economical than last year. Still, Chris was really sweet & surprised me a day early with a big bouquet of pink roses & pink lilies. Then, that night Chris waited till I was in bed & hung a big pink bag on our doorknob, so that I would see it when I got up early for classes.
He got me a really good book that I had asked for – “Front Porch Tales”, by Philip Gulley.
For those of you who haven’t heard of Philip Gulley, he is an Indiana pastor who has written several books, including a really cute, funny & fictional “Harmony Series” about life in a small town in Indiana. Since I am born-Hoosier, I enjoy reading these books, as do my sisters & my mom.
But that wasn’t all – he also got me a Purdue Nursing t-shirt, so that I can tell the world that I am a nurse-to-be 🙂
And what did I get for Chris? Well, I got him exactly what he asked for! Lots & lots of Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs (he loves those things). Needless to say, it was a very sweet Valentine’s Day for Chris 🙂
And then, my mother-in-law, Janice, sent Chris & I a French-themed Valentine’s Day gift box. Enclosed were several books about the French language, traveling in France, and a really cool program by Fodor’s that you can download on your computer or upload onto your mp3 player. It has all sorts of French phrases, words & is basically a tutorial on the French language. Very nice, and soon to come in very handy (only 20 more days till we leave for France). Thanks Janice!

The CD-rom set
The book accompanying the CD-rom set
Frommer’s “Paris Day by Day”
Rick Steve’s “French Phrase Book & Dictionary”