Hi everyone. Chris and I went to see “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” on Thursday night (my day off). I thought I’d give a Practically Perfect review, for those of you who are really into HP and want to see the film.
For starters, let me say that I was really, really looking forward to this movie, and then I got my hair done. “What difference does that make?”, you may ask yourself. Well, my stylist LOVES movies and he is always going to first showings, so of course he had already seen it. His review was less than glowing, and that made me nervous.
We went to the 6:45pm showing and settled in, and I’m happy to report that there were no costume-wearers in the theater. It was good, but I wasn’t blown away. I give it 6 1/2 stars out of 10. I would be willing to give it another 1/2 star depending on how the last 2 movies turn out (yes, there will be 2 more movies even though there is only 1 more book), but that remains to be seen. Why only 6 1/2 stars? I guess because in my opinion this movie was kind of slow and was mostly about character development. In other words, it was a stepping-stone to the ending. I’m not going to assume that all of my readers have read the books, so I won’t give you any more details and spoil it for you. I would watch the movie again and will probably end up buying it to go along with the rest of the series, but I was a teensy bit disappointed.
Has anyone else seen it? What are your thoughts?

I haven't seen this yet, but am dying too! I did hear that this one is pretty much all about building up to the last two though… Oh well. Still a huge HP fan!
I've yet to see this movie, but can't wait! 🙂
I really liked it. I think that it was fun to see these kids grow up more and become young adults, both in the movie and as real people. I enjoyed the set the most. I loved the Weasley's house set and different views at Hogwarths. The opening scene of London (having been there last year and seeing the sites again was fun) and then the Alley was awesome.
I'm new to blogging and just stumbled on yours! 🙂 I saw farther down that you are moving to NZ–I went to high school there (Christchurch) so I know how the visa process goes, ugh. They are strict with immigrant requirements. Hope it goes smoothly!
I've been waiting to see it because I wanted to give all of the "costume-wearers" a chance to get that out of their system. Since I now know that there probably won't be any there, I think it's safe to see it now. Good review!
Thanks for the great review! I am going to go see it next weekend 🙂 I'll let you know what I think.