I went to the library a few days back to drop off some books. Since we decided not to get cable, when we do watch TV it’s either a movie, mini-series, or TV season on DVD. I was looking at the library’s DVDs, didn’t see much that was interesting, then saw Season I of House, M.D. I’d seen one episode before and thought it was good, so I decided to check it out. I wasn’t too sure though – I’ve never liked any medical TV shows (don’t get me started on ER or Grey’s Anatomy – ugh).
Well, in the last 2 nights, Chris and I have gotten to be semi-addicted to the show. We’ve watched maybe 6 of the episodes already. I think Hugh Laurie does such a good job as the cantankerous curmudgeon of a doctor. He’s rude, to the point, sarcastic, and kind of mean, but I think that underneath it all he has a good heart. And his 3 subordinate doctors are always working so hard! It’s funny, entertaining, and being the nurse that I am, I like trying to guess what’s wrong with the patient. Oh, and we both like the fact that it doesn’t have the impossible relationship/jealousy/sex side stories running through the show. I don’t know about you, but I can live without that. I also like being able to watch the entire season at once – no commercials!