Here’s my “funny husband moments” for the week (and yes, I realize this is Tuesday, but they were too good to let linger!)…
On Movies
We were trying to decide if we wanted to watch movie, which one, etc. etc. Chris was happy to watch one and I was naming off some options…
Me: “There’s ‘Princess Bride’…”
Chris: “That’s fine!”
Me: “That was fast. You sure you don’t want to watch something else?”
Chris: “No – it’s fine.”
I put in “The Princess Bride” and the main menu screen pops up with theme music playing.
Chris: “Wait a minute… oh, I see. I thought that this was ‘Princess Diaries’.”
Me: “Uh, no – it’s ‘Princess Bride’. Is that still OK?”
Chris: “Yeah, that’s fine. I just thought it was going to be ‘Princess Diaries’, but ‘Princess Bride is OK, too.”
Me: “Wait a minute, you thought I said ‘Princess Diaries’? And you agreed to it?! And rather quickly, too, as I recall! I don’t think we even own that movie!”
Chris: “Don’t tell anyone.”
On Lunch
Me: “I’m putting aside these 2 pieces of (homemade) pizza for Joe’s lunch tomorrow, OK? I want them to cool before I put them in the fridge.” I gesture toward the 2 pizza slices on the edge of the pan.
Chris: “OK. Wait, what?”
Me: “I’m putting aside these 2 pieces of pizza for Joe.”
Chris: “Okay, where are they?”
Me: “Right here.” I gesture once again to the 2 pieces of pizza.
Chris, looking at the pieces: “Oh, okay. Those are for Joe?”
Me: “Yep.”
10 minutes later…
Me: “Where’s the pizza that I put aside for Joe? There’s only 1 piece left.”
Chris, looks over at the pan that I’m pointing at, then: “Uhh, okay, don’t get mad… I think I may have eaten it.”
Me: “What?!”
Can anyone else say “absent minded professor”?

I had to laugh at this! Especially the Princess Diaries slip up. Does he know you told the world?! 😉
LOL! Chris must have a thing for Anne Hathaway!
He *thinks* he may have eaten it? lol!
hahaha! 🙂
haha! that gave me a good chuckle this morning … and you can assure your husband I know mine would prefer Princess Diaries over Princess Bride, I think I’ve warped him with all of the chick flicks we watch 🙂