I have written and re-written this post about 15 times because, honestly, there’s no really smooth, graceful way to announce, “Hey everyone – I’m pregnant!” Or maybe there is a smooth, graceful way and I just can’t think of it…
Regardless, yes – I am pregnant! And today, October 25th, seemed a fitting day to announce it as its also my father’s birthday! The newest addition to our family is doing quite well at 8 weeks along, and he or she has a tentatively scheduled appearance set for the first week of June! I’ve been nauseated and more tired than usual, but I’m happy to have it if it means that we have a healthy baby at the end 🙂 It’ll be hard for me to go through my first pregnancy so far away from family, but I know that so many of them wish they could be here to celebrate with us.
So, there you have it – our own little June bug! Please keep us and the baby in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate this process and as I learn about maternity care in New Zealand!

Congratulations!! 🙂 I’m a little behind with blog reading and just getting caught up! HOW EXCITING!! 🙂
I’m finally catching up on everything. CONGRATS!!! So excited for you all!!! XOXO
Thank you! We’re pretty excited about it 🙂
wow, congrats!!! I read your most recent post first and with you mentioning food smelling bad then spontaneously wanting thai food, i thought, “Hm, I wonder….” And looking down further in your blog, I see it is true! Congrats and good luck!!! I look forward to reading the parts that you choose to share on line 🙂
Thanks 🙂 We’re pretty excited!
HOW DID I MISS THIS?!?!?!? Congrats girl! I can’t wait to read more!
A million congratulations! What an adventure it will be!
Congrats! 🙂 🙂
Congratulations! That’s wonderful news! All the best to you, Chris, and the little one.
Congratulations! I am so excited for you!
Congratulations!!!! Such wonderful news and I’m so happy for you x All my children have been born here and I loved the freedom of choice here in terms of where you hope to have your baby (home or hospital). I built up the most wonderful friendships with my midwife and the continuity of care here is fantastic. Please email me if you have any questions. I also have a couple of books I no longer need which I’d happily send to you.
Wishing you a very happy, healthy pregnancy!
Love and best wishes, Sarah x
YAYYY congratulations!! can’t wait to hear more about it
Congratulations to the two of you, take care of yourself and rest.
Congratulations, Jenny! How exciting for you both! 🙂 I’m so glad that it happened so easily for you and I hope the morning sickness isn’t too terrible! 🙂
That’s awesome!! Congrats!
CONGRATS!!! That is such exciting news!!!
Congratulations I’m so happy for you! Lots of well wishes coming from Boston 🙂
YAY so exciting!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!! Can’t wait to hear more and follow your pregnancy!!!!!
Congratulations! I wondered why you didn’t seem to be posting much. 🙂 I hope you don’t have much morning sickness, I didn’t and it was a huge blessing. One of my first signs that I was pregnant was being really really tired. I realized it faster after the 1st one.
Congratulations!! This is so exciting! Such wonderful news. Saying prayers for y’all and your little one!
Awwww! YAY! CONGRATS! So happy for you! And, hey, looks like we have something else in common…;)
Congratulations! Such happy news!
i’m so happy for you! congrats!
Aww, congratulations, Jenny! That is wonderful news. Best wishes to you and Chris!!
Congratulations! What fantastic news! We are so happy for ya’ll!!
That IS happy news! Congratulations 🙂
CONGRATS!!!! That’s such exciting news! 🙂
That is such exciting news…congrats!!
OMGoodness!! Congrats!
You did seem awfully tired lately and you hadn’t mentioned that you were sick. Congrats!!!! So excited for you guys.
Oh my gosh, exciting!! Congratulations!!
On a side note, yours is the THIRD pregnancy announcement I have read this morning. Something is in the water!! 🙂
Wonderful news! Many congrats to you and your husband!
Huge congratulations to you!! I know there’s a lot to learn & you’re missing your family more than ever right now but it will all be worth it when you meet your sweet June bug 🙂 So happy for you!!!
OMG WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!!!!!!!
I hope you get as lucky as I did and don’t end up getting morning sickness 🙂
Yay!! So excited for you guys! Congratulations!
Yay! Congrats 🙂 What great Monday morning news!
Aw, congrats. That is such great news!! SO happy for you guys
Congratulations!! That’s so exciting!
Yea!! Congrats! I can’t wait to follow you on this amazing journey:)
P.S. I actually suspected this:)
Congrats, Jenny! So exciting!
Congratulations! Very very exciting news! Lots of wishes of good health for you both!
Yay!! So SO happy for you guys!! Congrats!!! 🙂