I want to take a second to wish a huge GOOD LUCK to my brother-in-law, M, who has a medical school interview today at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. If you have a second, please say a prayer asking that he does well and that the interviewers make the right decision 🙂
Brothers M (future doctor??), Chris (PhD), & K (another doctor)
We know that you’ll do great, M, and we’re thinking of and praying for you! If they tell you “no”, it’s because they’re fools, fools I tell you!!! Seriously though, good luck!
Your brother and sister-in-law

Oh la la! Congratulations to him and I have my fingers crossed it pans out well! Xoxo-BLC
Hope it went well … such an exciting time. And … its nice and early in the interview season so that is a good sign!
Prayers sent! And what better place to be than Charleston??
Oooh… Good luck! Now that I have been accepted to medical school I am so glad those awful interview days are far behind me!
He’ll do great!! 🙂