Hey everyone – I’m back! We had a great, quick, mini-vacation in NYC, and I’ll tell you all about it on Monday. In the meantime, here’s my response to BLC’s tag for 10 unknown things about yours truly 🙂 Some of you may already know these, but I’m guessing that the majority of you don’t. It was hard to think of these things, so bear with me, okay?
- I’m lefthanded. Out of all 10 kids, I’m the only one.
- I go through food-phases. I’ll have like a month or two where I really crave one specific thing, like pretzels, and then I’m over it.
- I was voted “Quietest Girl” in my high school graduating class. Most people don’t believe me when I tell them that, but it’s true.
- Like BLC, I didn’t drink alcohol till I was 21 years old.
- I have a lima bean shaped birthmark on the outer aspect of my left knee. How’s that for random?
- I’m constantly anemic, and I’m really bad about taking iron pills. Kind of sad, considering I’m a nurse, but I just don’t like taking medication of any kind. Chris occasionally reminds me, and I’ll grumble and take them for a few days, but then I forget again. Speaking of which, I guess I’d better go take one…
- I despise playing card games. I think they’re boring and a waste of time. The only time I ever played Euchre (an Indiana card game if ever there was one!) was when I was stuck on a school bus driving to King’s Island for a physics field trip and Mrs. H and I were the only girls in the class. There was nothing else to do!
- I’m really bad about playing board games with Chris. I’m not bad at them, but I get so competitive that I forget that it’s just a game. Chris says that I have this maniacal laugh that I do whenever I win or make a good move 🙂
- As I’m typing this, I’m scanning all these old pictures of Chris from when he was a kid and in high school. I want to make sure that nothing happens to them before we move. I’ll probably share some of them on the blog at a later point.
- And last but not least, something unknown about me (at least to the blogging world) is that I have big feet. As in, I wear a size 11 shoe. Again, most people don’t believe this because I’m pretty tall (5′ 8.5″) and my feet are proportionate to my height. I consider them my firm foundation.
So there you have it – 10 things that you probably didn’t know about me before today. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Isn't it fun being in a big family? I have five siblings…can't imagine TEN!
I wear size 11 shoes too…such a pain finding shoes IN the store that fit. How often do you find yourself trying to make a size 10 work? 🙂
Awe! Thanks for playing along. And, the "firm foundation" warms my heart!!! Xoxo-BLC
I love your 10 facts! I too go through food phases. The thing that sucks about these phases is that I get burned out pretty easily. Oh well, no one's perfect.
Have a great weekend!
10 kids?? Oh my goodness!!!
And I do the thing with food phases, too. I eat the chosen food daily until I am so sick of it that I never want to eat it again.
I'm a lefty too! And also the only one in my immediate and extended family. Except I only write & play pool lefthanded though…
Your family get togethers must be massive!
I'm anemic too… can really wear me down.. & iron only makes me sick!
10 kids?! Wow. Your parents are saints!
Yay for big feet! I'm also tall (5'9") and also wear a size 11. It's the saddest thing that I can never borrow anyone else's shoes.
Lol! My roommate wears a size 11 shoe, too! She loves heels and has a hard time finding them in 11's. Do you have that problem, too??
Glad you are back safe and sound!
Have a great weekend!!
You one of 10?? Wow.
But I'm a lefty too so yay!
Cool post… I can't believe that you are one of 10… and being the only lefty… pretty special!
Great post…10 kids? Wow. Hope NYC was fun..my absolute favorite city.