We’re about halfway through February, but yes, I’m just now getting around to posting about our January 2019. It was a pretty uneventful month with a few minor eventful things.
I tried accupunture for the first time, both as a recipient and as a practitioner:
I tried out our new Instant Pot and my new Instant Pot cookbook to make butter chicken:
The photo of the chicken doesn’t do it justice – it was delicious.
We had fun with Snickers (he’s so cute):
The boys and I went to see “Mary Poppins Returns” (they loved it):
Chris had some more hilarious moments that will live on in re-told stories for the rest of our lives:
Yes, those are his pants and yes, that is a giant hole in the seat. He went to the office and bent down to pick something up, heard a ripping noise, and looked down. He didn’t see any tears but apparently also didn’t think to check the back of his pants… only the front. It wasn’t until much later in the day that he realized what had happened. Needless to say he was quite thankful that he hadn’t had to teach any classes that day. That would have been difficult to live down!
A few other things that happened but weren’t captured in photos:
- Several big trees were removed from our yard. We’re still waiting for the tree company to come back and finish with the stumps.
- I took a day off to stay home with the boys for a school holiday. Very normal, everyday stuff – haircuts and errands – but it made me appreciate having a job with such flexibility and a healthy annual leave balance.
- I completed my 3 month mark for work. Officially 1/4 of the way through a whole year of being employed as an NP.
I hope you had a good January as well, and that your February is shaping up nicely, too!

Hi Jenny, it’s Jenny (in Iowa) – I used to read your blog a few years ago because of our shared NZ connections! 🙂 It’s funny, I was folding laundry this morning and you and your blog just popped into my head, so I thought I’d see if it was still up and running… Your boys have grown up so much and congratulations to you on becoming a NP – that’s awesome! It’s so nice to see that you are all well and happily settled back in the US. 🙂