Thanks to the local MOPS Facebook page, I recently learned about “Jerusalem Marketplace”, which took place this past Saturday at Wellspring United Methodist Church. A fun, family-oriented (and free event), it seemed just up our alley!
I’d never heard of Jerusalem Marketplace before, so I clicked on over to the webpage to find out more about it. The site said that it was from 4 – 7pm and that there would be costumes, a petting zoo, puppet shows, crafts, a bakery (to try some unleavened bread, naturally), and even some ancient “coins” to spend throughout the city.
Entry to the city, guarded by “Victor”
Joe wasn’t quite sure what to make of Victor…
We headed through the city gates, picked up 2 bags for the boys with their “coins” and information about the marketplace, and made a quick stop at the tailor to get Joe kitted out in authentic garb.
As authentic as you can be with polyester Biblical robes…
Joe was so pleased with his costume 🙂 The headband was definitely his favorite part – he kept it on all night, even leaving it in place once we arrived back home.
There were so many things to see, but the first stop for us was the petting zoo. Both boys love animals.
Look at that tiny piglet!
Jack was so thrilled with all of the animals. I took him out of the stroller and he was able to pet the bunnies, the piglet, a miniature horse, and a goat. He laughed each time he touched one of them – melted my heart.
We walked around a bit more but headed inside once it was time for the puppet show. The story? “David and Goliath”! We’ve read that one to Joe a few times in his “The Jesus Storybook Bible” (we love this Bible – such a great one for children!) so he was familiar with the plot line and followed along with rapt attention.
Mean ol’ hairy Goliath
Small but brave David!
Someone (ahem, Jack) was not so enthralled with the show and began to kick up a fuss. Naturally, the only option I had was to put him in jail.
He doesn’t look too upset, does he? I tried to convince him that he was in big trouble, but it didn’t seem to get through past the snacks and giggles 🙂
This kid, I tell ya!
Chris and Joe came back outside once the show was complete. We heard it was nearly (but not quite) an Oscar-worthy performance. Or so Joe seemed to think 🙂
It was nearly time for us to head home but we made time for a few more crafts. First, we visited the instrument shop where Joe made a jingle-bell rattle.
After this, we visited the carpenter’s shop. Chris and Joe worked together to make a nail, rubberband, and wood star craft for us to bring home.
We had a lot of fun and will definitely visit the marketplace again next year. If you missed this year’s event, be sure to check the website for information on when the next one will be 🙂