Hello my lovely readers – I hope that you all had a great Labor Day weekend!
I was so excited to have my younger sister, V, come for a visit. She and my SIL, B, were running in the 5K at the Blueberry Festival, and she asked if she could stay with us for a few days beforehand. Of course!!! She got here on Friday evening (after taking a slight detour into Michigan – easy to do if you’re unfamiliar with the area!) and we had fun pretty much the whole weekend long. Here are the highlights…
- Visiting the lovely South Bend Farmer’s Market for some peaches and carrots
- Going to South Bend Chocolate Company‘s flagship store for some “almost perfect” chocolates
- Stopping by a local discount and used bookstore for some great deals
- Driving up to Michigan for a wine tasting at The Round Barn Winery (the Edel Doux was our favorite – it was like drinking dessert from a wine glass)
- Watching “Get Smart” and watching old episodes of “Friends”
- Visiting Notre Dame’s campus and seeing Chris’ office
And in case you’d like some photographic evidence of all the fun times, scroll down!
The Round Barn Winery
The vineyard
Pretty ceiling inside the winery
“Touchdown Jesus”
Chris, arm-wrestling the statues
V in front of “TD Jesus”
Chris, walking into his office building on campus
How’s that for an office view?
The basilica
Inside the basilica
We had a great weekend, and I’m so glad that I got to spend some time with my sister. I’m looking forward to seeing even more family in the upcoming months. Have a great Labor Day!

What a fun weekend! Everything looks so beautiful. Makes me want to go visit a winery 🙂
Looks like you had a great weekend! 🙂
Love “Touchdown Jesus”. I don’t know why but I find that hilarious, I can’t stop laughing!
What a fun weekend! Glad you got to spend some time with your sister!
What a pretty campus! He has a great view from his office and that Basilica is gorgeous!
What a fabulous weekend!!! I’m glad you had a wonderful time!! XOXO
I’ve never been to a vineyard! It looks like you all had lots of fun!
Now that’s a fun weekend!! I’m glad you had such a great time. 🙂
Sounds like you had a great time!
I want to try that wine now. I like really sweet wines.
Welcome to wordpress and your new blog home! Looks like a lovely weekend 🙂