Having a large family means spending a lot on postage. In my family, there are 4 brothers, 5 sisters, my parents, 5 SILs, 6 BILs, my in-laws, 6 nieces, and 2 (soon to be 3!) nephews. That’s a lot of birthdays, Christmases, Thanksgivings, and Easters. I like to have a lot of cards on hand, but I don’t like to spend lots of money. I frequently scour the “$1.00 or Less” section of card racks, and I’ve also started browsing through Etsy. Here’s some of my most recent card purchases…
Valentine’s Day Cards from ChandlerMichelle
“Merry Birthday” cards from Jenny Rose
Twiddlestix birthday cards
Little Girl birthday cards from Elephant Dance
The Valentine’s Day cards were for the swap I did a few weeks back. They were a bit Victorian for my taste, but also really pretty 🙂 The Jenny Rose “Merry Birthday” cards just seemed so cute – I loved the fact that they said “merry” birthday instead of happy birthday. The Twiddlestix cards looked like good ones to send to the guys in the family, and the Elephant Dance cards seemed perfect for the little nieces 🙂 All in all, I’m quite pleased with my purchases!

wow! That is a large family. wonderful choice in cards and thanks so much for stopping by Elephant Dance!