I love to multitask. If I can kill two birds with one stone, then I’m a happy woman. That’s why this post makes me happy, because I get to show you a video that I find hilarious and expose you all to a Kiwi accent. I say a Kiwi accent because it’s been my experience that the Kiwi accent varies depending on (a) who you talk to and (b) where you’re at in the city or country.
{I got this video from Michelle over at Mumma and the Kiddo. Be sure to check out her blog – it’s a great read!}
Disclaimer: None of the Kiwi mums of my acquaintance look like… or yell like this… but I still find it funny

ha. Well, My husband doesnt sound like that. But he is south island i guess.
haha my mum has said several of those things…